Friday, December 08, 2006
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are you a white-lighter, or a colored-lighter?
Well, now I'm a white-lighter. . . as a kid, we always had colored lights. I like them both, actually.
we have a joke in our family about an exes' mother, who told me that she thought colored lights were "ticky tacky;" later that holiday season, she came into my parents house and we all laughed to ourselves at how crappy she must have felt when she saw our colored-light tree.
as does my Yankee wife. white lights only for us now. sigh.
Jason, this is obviously where you go buy one of those mini-trees, decorate it with colored lights and with trinkets for the yankee wife, and keep it hidden until Christmas eve night. When you go to bed, you turn it on, surprise her, and she will be enamored of colored lights from there on out.
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