Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Rise of Why

Let it be noted that this week was the beginning of the neverending whys. Why, why, why? Rollie asks why 100 times a day. I never knew my world could be so confounding. Sometimes there just aren't any good answers to "why?" Example:
Rollie: "Yoda is a Jedi."
Me: "Yes, Rollie, Yoda is a Jedi."
Rollie: "Luke is a Jedi."
Me: "Yes, Luke is a Jedi."
Rollie: "DarFader is a Jedi."
I pause to ponder how to explain this one, the concept of someone with so much promise going over to the dark side. How to explain how it comes about that someone chooses darkness?
Me: "Well, Darth used to be a Jedi, but he isn't anymore."
Rollie: "Why?"
Me: "Well, he went bad."
Rollie: "Why?"
Me: "Well, the dark force pulled him."
Rollie: "Why?"
Me: "You are just going to have to trust me on this one, until you get a little older and can understand about The Force, and good, and evil."
Rollie: "Why?"
Next week, Rollie and I will discuss why there is evil in the world if there is a God. How can that be? Why? Also, why is the sky blue? Why do cats have tails and people don't?

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At 11:14 AM, Blogger StephB said...

Sometimes the answer really IS "because I said so."

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

I have to say, I second Steph on that one! Yes, you will feel like your mother, but sometimes it is the only thing that stops the flow of "why?".

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

Annie, where do fish go when they sleep?

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Sadly, I finally pulled the oft-avoided "Because I said so."

Mike. Duh. they sleep in fish motels.

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Big Mama said...

If you figure out the answer to any of these questions, please pass the answer along to me.


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