Friday, December 28, 2007

Best Christmas Gifts

Tiller's favorite has been the flashlight I gave her. It came with a backpack, sleeping bag, and squirt bottle, but it was the flashlight she wouldn't let go of, and even wanted to take to bed with her. My favorite, and least favorite, gift she received from Santa was the Victorian dollhouse. It is pretty and will be years of fun, but it also took years for the elves to put it together. 36 pages of instructions. As much as I despise the Disney Princess crap, it was also pretty enjoyable to see her squeeze her fat rolls into the Snow White outfit. She is adorable with her new Hello Kitty helmet, knee pads and elbow pads - who cares if it is actually nice enough to go outside and get on a trike? Evidently, it is fun just to walk around dressed in them. Finally, she has been pretty happy with the Hello Kitty lip gloss and has been walking around making everyone put some on.

Rollie's favorite, by far, has been the handheld Vsmile game. I see much gaming in his future; frighteningly, he is already ignoring us and mumbling grunted replies while playing it. He also adored the racetrack my dad gave him. In fact, Todd and Rollie spent a few hours yesterday racing cars in Rollie's room. I am not sure if Rollie or Todd is the bigger fan of that one. Cousin Graham got pretty excited over it too, and he and i played a few minutes in my son's room, and Rollie wasn't even there. It was just like those Christmases 30 years ago in A'retta! Good times. Rollie also got a transformer and a power ranger toy - Neither Todd nor I could really figure either of them out. Other faves included kickin' it old skool with: Candyland, Dominoes, Etch-a-Sketch, ViewMaster, and a Magic 8-Ball.

Todd's cool gifts include a new pair of boots, with a little clown surprise - Just ask to see the boots, some cool books, CD, and a great family portrait my friend Jasonaut took of the family, all blown up, framed, and matted.

Me? I love my books (including the annotated Pride and Prejudice! Yay!) and some nifty slippers. My fave, though: The boots I wanted. Todd wasn't going to get them, because I told him to not get me anything big, since i was going to NYC, but he tricked me and got them anyway. I heart them.

Good stuff. More highlights from our Christmas celebrations . . .

My new niece, Luci, who graced me with a nap on my chest after dinner. I just wish we had gotten a picture of me falling in love with her, drool and all.

Chase's first Christmas Eve party.

The Christmas Eve crew

Tiller and Papaw opening gifts

The hostess with the mostest (and a bun in the oven):

Who gave Cecil another scotch?

The beginning of the end. . Uncle Mark and Rollie. Yes, their uncle is a fucking Gator fan.

Two sisters and a Tiller

Nephew and Aunt

In case there was ever any doubt.

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At 6:06 PM, Blogger Lyle said...

Please send a picture of Tiller in her Snow White costume. As the gift givers, I believe we are entitled to see that. ;)


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