In an ongoing attempt to publicly humiliate myself, I give you one of my top five most embarrassing photos of all time.
Feathered hair, which just doesn't work on curly hair, and straight-haired moms just don't understand that. Nice sweater vest. Nice upturned collar. Nice braces. Egads. . .
At least in the outtakes below, I went ahead and laughed at myself. I am sure everyone else was laughing at me. It is just painful, and in a million years, I will never forget how much those three years sucked ass.
I triple dog dare you to try and come up with a worse photo.
Labels: Awkward, Middle School, Painful
Oh I got one. I just need to find it. See I went through my awkward stage way earlier than everyone else. In 4th grade. Who has braces in 4th grade? Me, that's who. And you know what else. I wore a head gear. No I didn't have to wear it to school, but I liked to. Cause me? I thought it was cool. I don't think the head gear is in the picture though.
I'll have to go to mom's to find it and be sure. I kinda hope it is because then I would win.
Is this 8th grade? That vest is just mean.
Thanks for the giggle.
I think this is either 7th or 8th grade. Maybe. Here's the deal, though - Remember that a bunch of girls are running around at this point with boobs and looking like supermodels. So, while I am sorry you looked like a dork in 4th grade, I'm thinking that just the level of self-awareness that one has in middle vs elementary schools should put me over the top. Someone back me up here. Headgear is bad, but not in the picture. I am pretty sure my PAIN was more intense than yours. I'm just saying.. .
The vest. Hideous.
p.s. I always WANTED a headgear. Kind of like I thought retainers would be cool. Then when i got one, I never wore it.
Post your picture and then we'll post a poll and see who comes out on top for biggest dork - all comers welcome.
let the dorkfest begin! sweet popped collar. I will dig this weekend and find some good stuff. that vest is the catholic school plaid we wore at Holy Spirit for 7 years.
Just wait, it may take me a few days, but i will find one. Can you say 6 ft tall, 100 lbs, no boobs, large frame glasses and braces? not to mention hand me downs...oh, woe is me. will let you know when i post it.
and yeah, awkward in 4th grade? that just doesn't count. you don't even know what awkward IS in 4th grade, let alone have the competition of the other chicks that have already developed. Sorry Nat, but I do think Anne wins.
Yeah, Dorothy! Way to represent the tall dorky geek girl!
Mike, I think i might have you covered already, but please come up with your own hideous pic.
Whatever. I just would like to point out that I STILL do not have boobs.
Boobs suck anyways.
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