Tuesday, September 09, 2008

BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any of my peeps who work at Turner: I wanna know who the fuckwad is whose job it is to decide when to use the term "Breaking News." Breaking News used to just be for things like Tornado Warnings, Presidential Assassination, and terrorist attacks. Then along came 9/11 and now every bit of news that "breaks" is breaking news, in bold type and all caps. I'm sorry, but you idiots just left a story about the Presidential election to give me BREAKING NEWS about Lance Armstrong coming out of retirement.

This is a guy who rides a bike. Seriously? Do we really look that stupid? Stop insulting my intelligence and wasting my time. I do that just fine on my own with Facebook.

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At 6:11 PM, Blogger Nat said...

I don't know. I think it is breaking news. I got a call before 8 this morning from my mother to tell me Lance was coming out of retirement and she wasn't thinking of going to France to watch the tour next year because of it. Then I got a few other calls and emails about it.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

It is most definitely not breaking news, imo. I mean, it is interesting, but in the scheme of things, do I really need to know that right at that second? I agree that breaking news should be saved for the big stuff. However, with the internet, the news channels don't have much that they can be first on, so that is probably why everything these days is "breaking news!"

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Nat, it is breaking news to you, because you actually give a shit. It doesn't have any real impact on the world, wars, economics, politics, or anything far-reaching like that. Breaking news on ESPN? Yeah. E!? Yeah. Cover of People? Yeah. I also don't mind if they cover it - i mean, yeah, it's news, but my point was that this ridiculous "Breaking news" crap is used from everything from "there's a house fire in Kansas City" to the Lance thing, but it detracts from the actual importance of it when something of importance actually happens, and they do it just to lure you into watching. It's insulting.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Lyle said...

You act like you're serious about news coverage, but I don't recall your covering the Waffle House Wedding in Dacula back in July. If that didn't merit "BREAKING NEWS", I don't know what does.

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

You know, your WH comment just made me think of something funny about my family. We LOVE Waffle House.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

I was interested in this story of course, but didn't know that they cut into the presidental coverage to announce it. Priorities are all sorts of off in this country.


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