Wednesday, October 26, 2005

But What Are You Gonna Call Her?

"What's her name?"
"Oh . . . What are you gonna call her?"
The name was subject of much discussion during our hospital stay. It is interesting, though, to see people's reactions to the name Matilda. It is usually a look of surprise, or that flustered, "I don't know what to say because i think it is hideous" look.

Then there are those that praise us for choosing an unusual or uncommon name. But the most common response is, "Well, what are you going to call her?" As if they automatically assume that we chose the name out of some family obligation and that we couldn't possibly actually like the name, and so, "Will she be a Mattie, or a Tilly?" It has become quite the joke between Todd and me.

We actually DO like the name Matilda, though. But if you must, feel free to call her something else: "Tilda," "Mat," and even "Tiller" have already been thrown out there. I like "Mamie," which seems like a flapper or witch's name, but I don't know if it will stick. Tilda has that "actress of the stage and screen" sound to it. Mat, which is what my sister calls her, has a certain cute tomboyishness about it. And Tiller, which is what my grandmother called her own Aunt Matilda, is what my Dad has started using. Todd is not crazy about it, (this coming from a man whose family included a Henrietta, pronounced, and spelled, "Henry Etter!") but I think it is fun and unusual, in an earthy, southern kind of way.

Most people, unsolicited for their gems of naming wisdom, but eager to bestow them upon us anyway, suggest that we use either, "Mattie" or "Tillie." These are fine names for someone else's child, but for me they are unacceptable: "mattie" could possibly make people think that we had actually named our child "Madison," that most detestable and common girl name, in my opinion, and Tillie was the name of my cousins' mother's horse when we were growing up. (For Alpharettians/Roswellians, we used to ride this horse at a barn located where the silos are located at Houze Rd. and Crabapple Rds. And that's all that was there! Now there is a Kroger, and the Ingles sits on the location of the old barn. I will never get used to how different that area looks than it does in my childhood memories!)

But I digress.

The question is: What are we gonna call her?

Why, her given name of course! We're going to call her Matilda.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

Anne- exactly. If I wanted people to call my son Jimmy or Jim or J.D. (shudder) I would have named him that. For a while I adamantly called him James Dalton just to try and impress upon people the amount of consideration in choosing a name. Now we actually tend to call him 'buddy' which I'm sure will affect him somehow. Its like people have this compulsion to erase at least a syllable from your name....
btw she looks great and has your nose I have to say- Mike

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Yep. Exactly. Not that i hate the nns, just that i named her what I named her because I liked it. LOL - buddy. I call Rollie buddy, too. Along with a plethora of other silliness. It is like having a dog, and making variations on its name, except, way, way worse.

Love that you said she has my nose, because Rollie doesn't look anything like me, and she doesn't seem to either. . . I would like to think there is a little of me in there somewhere. . . .

At 4:12 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

Hey- this is Kat going on record to say I LOVE the name Matilda.
Mike is right-- we really feel we have to make efforts to prevent the nicknaming getting out of control. Being from the south, and having a family peppered with people called "Sister", "Bubba" and "Sonny", not to mention my sister calling me the dreaded "Katie Bell"-- I think a preemptive strike is in order.
GO Matilda
Matilda RULZ


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