Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy Feet

Last week, I had the pleasure of leaving Rollie and Matilda with their father for an evening, while I went out to dinner and a movie. I had thai at Ma Li (my fave) with a glass of wine, even. I then drove to the theater, pumped in the car (strange experience - kind of makes you feel like a stalker, sitting in the car and watching couples and college kids go into the theater), and then went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I wanted to see Walk the Line, but it was too late for this early riser. I made it just in time to see the previews, which I like almost more than the movie itself. I hate to miss the previews.

Since it was Harry, most of the trailers were for similarly-rated movies: Narnia (can not freakin' wait to see that one!), a Cheaper By the Dozen sequel (did people really watch the first one?), and Aeon Flux (loved it on MTV, but the movie looks bad). Finally, there was some movie about penguins dancing. It was called Happy Feet.

This brings me to the real subject of my post. Just because you are capable, technically and graphically, of making penquins dance, does not necessarily mean that it is a good thing.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

so, what did you think of the movie? We watched a bootleg (we feel bad but that was all we could manage). I thought they left out a lot (of course they would have to), but I am still one of those "its not like the book" people. For the first time I didn't hate the Ron character. He was kind of okay.
that is my big analysis. it is beer thirty here, and it shows


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