Life in the Food Web
It's good to have read this article in the New York Times on those days when you want to crate your toddler, or dose your infant with Diphenhydramine, put duct tape over both their mouths, or throw them out of a moving vehicle. I mean, yeah, i think about it, but i would never:
- Feed one while watching the other starve
- Eat my young
- Watch as one pecks the other to death
- Conceive twins that eat each other in utero (??!!!)
- Leave my children alone to fend for themselves while I go out on a date with the new male in town. (Well, what does he look like?)
Mama (Dearest)
I love any article with the phrase "this is the dark side of Pandas". Finally!
We all KNEW there was a dark side to pandas. I was onto the Atlanta zoo- they've been hiding something, and now I know what it is.
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