When the Boys are Away, the Girls Will Play
I'm a little behind, but here are pics from our girls weekend at the Lake. Okay, well, Rollie was there, but he played along nicely with our girly games. (See picture, below.) I had decided that single parenthood was more fun at the Lakehouse than at home, so I took the kids down while Todd went to Mexico with his boys. Here are the sons of bitches at a bar on the island. (From left: Todd, Jonathon, Ned, and Scott.)

Here is the aforementioned picture of Rollie, with Lisa and Matilda. Yes, Nemo swim diapers are the appropriate bottoms for a toddler to wear with his first bra. (And yes, those are Lazy Boy recliners, in brown and brown, along with the "mediterranean-style" end table that my parents bought when they were first married. They went with the green and white mediterranean-style couch that my sister, poor soul, is still using to this day. Evidently, at the time, they were "the In thing." Anyone else's parents have late 60s/early 70s Mediterranean-style furniture, or did my Mama make that one up?)

Tiller and Scar - fast friends.

Rollie fills the turtle pool (our location of choice for the weekend, as Rollie stayed in one place while Lisa, Vanessa, and I had margaritas) with Quint lounging in the background. Also note old-school clothes on the line and fabulous septic tank, oh-so-well-camouflaged by, what else? brown lattice, in the background.

Scarlett and Quint lounge by the pool as Vanessa looks on.


Rollie, Lisa, and Tiller by the pool.

Rollie, Quint, Lisa, Vanessa, and Scarlett feed the geese.

Tiller and Rollie were unimpressed with her first boat ride. If only I could bottle the nap-inducing powers of the boat - Rollie was out before we left our cove.

I thought those things were propane tanks - we always used to ride the one at my grandparents' house like it was a horse.
Yeah, I think that is the propane tank! The septic tank is in the GROUND, with the POOP in it.
And by the way, did you have to put every unattractive pic of me up on your blog? Jeez!
And what's with Rollie drinking a beer on the boat? That's why he fell asleep.
Duh. I knew that - just checking to see if y'all were paying attention.
Rollie likes whiskey when he's on the boat. Just like Papaw.
Lisa, you are a beautiful creature. In all your pics.
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