Thursday, May 04, 2006

Rollie Goes to See Junior Horne

A couple of weeks ago, after spending the weekend at the Lake, I went to see my parents in Warner Robins, about an hour and a half south of Atlanta, near Macon. While down there, Dad decided that Rollie needed a haircut, so we took him to Junior Horne's. Mr. Horne has only been cutting Dad's hair for the few years he has been living in WR, but he has been cutting Pop's hair for almost 40 years. When we talk about getting their hair cut, they don't even have to say, "I went and got my haircut today." They say, "I went to see Junior Horne." Now that's an enduring relationship.

Junior Horne's has a barber shop pole (kicking myself for not getting a picture of Rollie's reaction to that, and is located in a 50's-style strip mall that my Dad claims is where he saw Jerry Lee Lewis play on the back of a flatbed pickup truck. This is right up there with Dad's claim that he drove the Rolling Stones from the Savannah airport to Georgia Southern when they played there while he was in college. I love my Dad, and one of my favorite things about him is that you never quite know if he's telling the truth, but you sure like the sparkle he gets in those green eyes while you're trying to figure it out. Update: Check this and this out. Could it be true? Look and sound familiar, Daddy? Ah, the power of the Internet.
Okay, so not only does my Daddy have mysterious, beautiful green eyes, but he saw some kickass shows!

Mr. Horne has obviously cut toddler hair before, as he did a great job, and it was virtually painless for everyone involved. (Most importantly, it was not a screamfest display for the other patrons waiting patiently to see Mr. Horne on their lunch break.) He has a television and promptly turned on some cartoons for Rollie as he climbed up on the board set across the arms of the barber's chair. (Remember that? Or was I so freakishly raised that no one else's Daddy took their little girl to the barber shop to get her hair cut?) He also has pictures of old cars and military aircraft (there is an Air Force base in town) framed on every space of the wall. Little boy heaven. It even went so well that I took Matilda in the Baby Bjorn to the music store next door. We played percussion instruments, which she really dug, and she now has her eye on a Hello Kitty strat.

After the haircut, we thanked Mr. Horne and then headed over to NuWay Weiners. NuWay Weiners is kind of Macon's answer to Atlanta's The Varsity. They also have one in Warner Robins.


At 2:12 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

Great story- and good looking haircut to boot! You know someone went to all those early shows- its just still hard to believe that your parents could have been so cool; where is that going to leave us?

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think I have ever heard you talk about your dad's story telling in that way before. Dead on. He looks for the reaction...that is what I love about him.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Dad loves you, jason, because you give him a big head about his stories, with all your hootin' and hollerin."


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