Honey's Wedding
I feel like I've spent ages away from home and hearth, but it was really just three nights. We drove (!) down to my friends Honey and Slade's wedding in Delray Beach, Florida on Thursday night. Honey now goes by her middle name, "Brooke," but for those of her who have known her for ages, she is still Honey, whether she likes it or not. Sorry, Honey! Myself, Honey, and two other friends, Laura and Dana, all lived together when we were in school at The University of Georgia. I can't believe we've known each other for SIXTEEN years now. It feels like just yesterday that we met!
Todd and I took tons of pictures, and here are just a few:
Laura and me at the Delray Beach club for the rehearsal.

Slade's Aunt hosted a fabulous rehearsal dinner at her beautiful home, despite a little hurricane damage.
Dana and me

The glowing bride at her rehearsal dinner.

Honey and Todd

Slade claims that Honey is the devilish one. I beg to differ.

Phew! Ceremony over. Where are the drinks?

Laura and Victor, the Czech Physicist

James and Dana at the wedding reception.

Todd and me, sans kids!

I steal a hug from the groom.
Todd and I cuddle on the beach.

Post-wedding at The Falcon House, Laura regales Victor with astounding tales.

The night becomes a little blurry after that. . . .

Congratulations, Honey and Slade! I love y'all!
Great photos!
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