Why Cats are Superior
They know when to cut their losses. When things are going kinda crappy with the offspring, they just go ahead and eat the little fuckers.
My day started with hunger, because I am dieting, and then I am not allowed to eat anything until the lady gets here to take my blood and urine for the life insurance policy we are taking out on me in case (duh) I die, which of course doesn't give one a whole lot of incentive to fast, because what the hell are you going to get out of it, anyway. Todd is a sweetheart and got up with the kids so that I could sleep as long as possible and not have to sit around hungry. I got up at 9 a.m. (the high point of the day). I started my period.
I proceeded to drink black coffee until the nurse arrived at 10. The kids cried and whined and bugged the crap out of the nurse while she asked me about every runny nose I have ever had, and the name, number, and address of the doctor for which I saw each runny nose. She then tried to take blood from one arm, then the other, then my hand. It was awesome. I peed in a cup and there was blood in it and i had to explain to her that I was on the rag. Lovely. Did I mention she brought her own scale? It said I was 9 pounds heavier than my scale says I am. Fucking great.
Todd called to say that he wouldn't be home for lunch. By the time the nurse left it was noon. I put lunch on for the kids. I ate my crap diet lunch. I tried to watch Antiques Roadshow while the kids ran around pushing their cars and shopping cart and couldn't hear a thing. I shut off the t.v. and finished eating while staring out the window at a squirrel. I did the breakfast and lunch dishes, and put on dinner. I changed two poopy diapers.
Went upstairs, read to the kids, and then put them down for their naps. This consists of putting down Matilda, and then tucking Rollie in, shutting the gate, blowing kisses, asking him to please, please, please not wake Tiller because Mama will be mad, and please stay in bed, and don't make any noise, and maybe when we get up we will watch Curious George and eat snacks, Yes, raisins, and please? And then i hope for the best.
I laid down for an hour, and I could tell Rollie wasn't asleep, because he was talking the whole time, but it never occurred to me that he was up there taking off his diaper, putting the poop into the back of the remote control truck, and then taking little pieces and running them over with the treads of his monster truck and smushing them into the carpet, and running the truck roughshod over the books he had pulled off his shelves, which were now empty.
When I finally went up to check on him, he was standing naked at the gate, smiling at me. He went over and picked up two little pieces of poop, one in each hand, and held them out to me, palm up, as if in offering. When I opened the gate, he cheerfully walked around the corner and turned his palms over above the toilet, neatly depositing them into the bowl, then turning to me in expectation of approval.
I think he may be slightly retarded.
After that, I gave him a bath, put Batman underwear on him, and with the exception of the times when we are out, at school, napping, or sleeping, he will Goddamn be wearing them, until he is potty trained. So help me God, amen.
Labels: cats, Motherhood, poop, potty training, Rollie
OMG. What a hard day. I'm sorry.
I had a similar day to that once--Carmella was 3 and Beau was 9 months. I was trying to clean the house and had already had to call poison control twice from Beau eating/getting into something while I was trying to clean. Finally I put him down for a nap and hoped for a reprieve.
A bit later I went to check on him and he was standing naked in in his crib--he had been fully clothed when I put him down-- waving at me. At least at first I thought he was waving and then as I got closer I realized he was throwing poop at me.
I was worried he had eaten it since he had it all over him but after already having called poison control twice that day I decided a third call would probably warrant a house check from social services. And with the state my house was in I wasn't so sure I could risk a visit from Defacs. They would probably take my kids away--them being half naked and one of them and one room covered in excrement.
And here, I admit, that I wondered for a moment if that would be such a bad thing--them coming to take them away. At least then I could have gotten my house clean.
Anyway, eventually it does get better.
Oh my god. That was so funny. He's such a shit! Why did they send a nurse out to your house who couldn't stick you?
sounds like the potty training is going well. He has at least mastered the concept that "poop" ultimately goes in the toilet. now all you have to do is cut out the middle step (i.e. playing with it) and you're golden.
(why is it parents of small kids are the only people who say "poop" when everyone else says shit? maybe it makes the whole process slightly less disturbing?)
I'm sorry-but that shit is funny.
Parents start using words like poop because you spend most of every day around kids and try not to cuss too much whike they learn the rudiments of language. Forget about all the ridiculous words parents come up with to delineate genitalia...
I think I should say name, or describe instead of delineate- I had a long day of editing...
Oh Annie, I am sorry for the day you had. The taking off of the diaper hasn't happened yet here, I say "yet" b/c as a parent, I have learned to never say never. Have a few glasses of wine tonight...you deserve it!
I actually remember that day with Beau, Nat, and you know what? It is still funny when it happens to other people.
Lisa - Nurse stuck me just fine - it didn't hurt or anything, but she kept on not actually sticking it in a vein. She was actually really gentle.
Trust me, Jason, the whole process is still completely disturbing. Parents say poop, because they try not to say shit in front of the kids, so it is just habit.
Mike, do you use ridic. genitalia words? We use the technical words: Penis, vagina, and breasts. When Rollie was little, we joked around about teaching him to call his a "schlong" (sp?) just to see what our moms would think.
Dot, you come to the crux of the problem. As part of my new Year's resolution, I am no longer drinking during the week or at home. Basically, I am only drinking when I go out, or on special occasions (birthdays, anniversary, vacation, etc). What was I thinking?
Oh, I'm sorry. Poop is a special event so you should be exempt from the "no alcohol except for special events rule."
At least he wasn't smearing you with the poop. I babysat a kid who did that.
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