Exercise Your Mind, Feed People
Okay, I am so addicted to this thing. And not because it is helping feed the hungry, but because I love vocabulary tests. Anyway, thought I would pass it along and do a good deed at the same time.
I average about 43, but have gotten up to 47. I just can't break that 47 barrier! How did you do?
Thanks to Tori for the link.
I got up to 44 before I quit. It's not that hard to guess at the ones I didn't know, though.
Please note, that there is an agenda. "reactionary" was defined as "ultra-conservative."
I also got as high as 44, but then my score started dropping again and I'm going to quit now (back down at 40). Clearly, I am going to waste a lot of time playing this tomorrow at work.
Got up to 41, but those darn kids interrupted me again. Like Lyle, I can see myself spending some quality time with this one...thanks for sharing.
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