Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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One Time I Said
- I am So Wearing These in the Carpool Line Today!
- For Todd, Who Left Forever Ago
- Still Basking in the Glow of Accomplishment
- Most Productive November Evah
- Dogwood Girl Runs, Writes, Congratulates, Coughs
- Help me out, Runner Folks
- Tiller's New Haircut
- Nano Update
- Art For Kids
- Yanked from a Time Warp Into the Blessed Present
Me Likey
- Adventures in Parenting
- Arc of Time
- The Athens Blawg
- Atlanta Music Guide
- The Austin Affair
- Baby Got Books
- Bad Vibes
- Cable and Tweed
- Chunklet
- Criminal Records
- Dooce
- Drive a Faster Car
- Harris and Anne
- Kite Chronicles
- Resident Aliens
- imMEDIAte Graham
- Jasonaut
- Man Under Stress
- Mostly Muppet
- Neal Pollack's Alternadad
- The Negative Split
- Paste: Atlanta Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- The Wren's Nest Online

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I'm reading "Swimming to Antarctica" by Lynne Cox and the 50 Marathons in 50 states in 50 days book by Dean Karnasas. Neither is fiction, but they are both good. Not that I have time to read them.
And fiction I'm listening to "Blue Shoes and Happiness" which is in the #1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith. Very good series about Botswana.
Thanks, Steph. . . that reminds me. Do you have a running book you recommend?
Thanks for the Twilight shout out...
My favorite book of the year, easily, was Atmospheric Disturbances by Rivka Galchen.
If you're looking for a running book, check out Haruki Marukami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.
No problem, Tim. Not kidding when i say that Baby Got Books is one of my favorite blogs. . read it almost daily. Thanks for doing what you do.
Putting your suggestions on my goodreads "To-Read" shelf, which is starting to pile up in a serious way.
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