Monday, February 20, 2006

Babies Would Taste Better if They Were Made Entirely of Blue Cheese

Once a year, in February, our friend D. Clay has his annual Nascar party for the Daytona 500. Actually, this could be a party for the Indy 500, or the bbq-eating 500 and I wouldn't know the difference, because what this is really about is the excuse to drink keg beer during the day on a Sunday in February. This is also an excuse to eat ridiculously perfect chicken wings, and the BEST GODDAMN BLUE CHEESE DRESSING I HAVE EVER HAD. (For anyone who remotely knows me, this is not faint praise. I have had my share of blue cheese dressing.) This is an excuse to strap the baby in the bjorn so as to better juggle plastic cup full of beer and wing dripping blue cheese. Oops. A little fell on Matilda's head. Nothing tastes better than blue cheese dressing licked off of a baby head. Yum.

Things were a little less relaxed than in past years, as Rollie is in full-on mingling mode these days. You could tell he was totally trying to lose Todd and I throughout the afternoon, so that he could hit on all the hot women there, especially Finesse and those totally smokin' Tokich twins. T. Spaceboy! Watch out - Rollie's mackin' on your lady friend. And I think she's into him. Seriously, a highlight was seeing the young lady who took our Spaceboy off the market - We love her!

Other highlights: Nessie finally got it together and made her ass to a Nascar party! Loved seeing her there, even if she did refrain from drinking beer out of a plastic cup. But she wore jeans! And we totally rocked the party with our boobs out, which is, according to Clay, why he invited us. Smart man. Always good to see Andy, and I got a good look at his new lady, Ginger. Nice. Nothing like putting how much your life has changed into relief by talking to Chad about how things are going with him and his five (count them, five) band projects. And unusually cold weather gave us a sighting of that ever-elusive, but much sought after Winter Clay.

Lowlights: Toddler meltdown, forgetting my camera. Although I don't know how i could have juggled, beer, wings, and camera. Probably would have had to put baby down.

All in all, a wonderful time was had by all. Oh, who won? I have no fucking clue.


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