Monday, May 15, 2006

Inman Park

From the Inman Park Festival a few weeks ago:

Rollie and Todd cruise the booths. (Note Grup messenger bag on Todd.)

Matilda checks out the sights from the best seat in the house. We need to figure out how to make Baby Bjorns and slings for adult. How awesome would it be if Todd and I could take turns carrying each other in the sling? You could lean back, pop open a beer, and take it all in, and your feet would never touch the ground.

Rollie plays on the slide (and with a magnolia leaf) at the kiddie area (below).

Inman Park Festival landscape looks completely different than it used to in my single and childless days. Used to be that Todd and I would grab a beer, peruse the art booths, maybe check out a band or two. These days? We didn't even have one beer, we ate french fries in record time while watching a band, then raced off to the very "cut off" valley in which the kids' area was contained. No music. Just the sound of tantrums interspersed with the occasional calm before the storm that occurs when someone's ice cream falls off the cone and into the dirt.

Mmmm. . . handcut french fries.

Todd and Rollie force smiles after a diapering battle. (Todd wins!)

At the end of the afternoon, our star has had a little too much fun, and his handler leads him to the car while attempting to shield him from the flash of the paparazzi.


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

kudos to the hilarious breakdown pics; nothing against the little man of course- its just you know how quickly they go from happy to unbelievably sad and back. Congrats to Todd on the diapering victory!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger StephB said...

Go Todd! Very cute photos of Dad and Todd and Matilda.


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