Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A couple of things . . .

First of all, has anyone else noticed that one of the little musical interludes on Noggin sounds scarily like the Six Feet Under theme? (I know that this is not that likely, as the audience overlap is probably slim to none. You can hear the SFU theme here.)

Secondly, Oh. My. God. I have been sitting around feeling guilty and inadequate, ever since having baby number two and realizing that I will never be able to keep up with music in the manner to which I have become accustomed. Then, today, like a bolt of lightning, I realize that there exists an ultimate purpose for RSS feeds. Drop that baby right over from Pitchfork into my reader. Fuck yeah! I might not have time to listen to any of this shit, but I sure as hell can read about it.


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