So. 35. I kind of thought it would feel different, but it doesn't. It feels like any other day. I guess when I was 15 or 20, 35 sounded really old to me. The reality of 35, though, is that I feel 25, with all of the insecurities and fears about the future that I always had. I don't feel like I have some kind of wisdom that I didn't have ten years ago. What i do have is one great husband (although I am thinking he may not be so into me lately - what is with "losing" the wedding ring?) and two awesome kids. Those are three things that I never imagined would be so fulfilling, or even a part of me at 35.
I am one lucky 35-year old hot mom, people.
You will have to take my word for it. I was going to put a picture of me up from today, but geez, i just feel fat - inside, where it counts, i am 25. The outside? Not so twentyish anymore. . . .
Instead, look at me on birthdays past! Or, at least the ones that I have photos scanned in for. And then there are a few birthdays where I was too poor to have pictures made, and then there was that one . . . well, let's just say that it is better that there were no cameras for that one.
Happy birthday, me!
p.s. This post would be so much better, if Todd wasn't walking around sighing and asking when I was going to finish up so that we can watch Battlestar. As if it's his birthday or something.

Mom and I the day I was born.

My first birthday: Me with Daddy.

My second birthday.

My fourth birthday: Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor.

My fifth birthday, with Scott Gage.

Sixth birthday, with the neighborhood kids and my cousins. I am also wearing a homemade crown that they gave me at school. The dress I am wearing was long and I thought it made me look like Laura Ingalls, which totally rocked my world.
Happy Birthday Annie! Like you, I LOVED Laura Ingalls, and have read all her books many, many times. My brothers (not Mike, my older ones) used to refer to the TV show as "Little Disaster on the Prarie, " and I also loved those prarie style dresses. And for the record, 35 is a great age, but I do know what you mean about feeling 25. I just turned 41 and still feel 25. Nothing wrong with that...as long as we don't act it! Hope you have a great bday.
And who is that cute little curly lion head in the front row of that pic with the Laura Ingals dress, hmmm???
Happy Birthday! And thanks again for remembering mine last month...
Is that smile for the present or Scott Gage?
Thanks, Dot! BTW, I think I have mentioned my grandmother's sister, Aunt Dot, on here before. She was one of the coolest ladies ever, and we miss her and grandma a ton. Anyway, it is nice to have another Dot in my life.
LOL about "Little Disaster on the Praire" - That reminds me of what my cousins called that show Life Goes On. They called it "Corky F's Up." Mean, but funny.
Everyone, do not worry. the identity of the Lionhead will soon be revealed.
Reese, baby! Don't be a stranger. I have to admit that i remember yours because a)It is 12/13 - easy numbers to remember. b) I know three people with the same birthday. (To the Dans, if you are reading, I am sorry I didn't call you guys on YOUR birthdays!)
Mike - You are so observant. Scott Gage was my first crush. He lived down the street when we lived in Dunwoody, then in that pic we had moved to Alpharetta. Not sure why he was there, but yes, he was way cute. No idea what happened to him.
Happy Birthday Anne!
That Pruitt Dr photo in the Lionhead series is what became the Binger's place, right? Looks like the Ludwig's place in the background.I forgot that your family lived there since you'd moved before we arrived in 1980.
- the 12/13 dan from crabapple
Ok, you are officially Crabapple Dan! Yep, ours became the Bingers' house. I don't even remember the Ludwigs. . . . .
Funny, I was just telling todd the other day about my first recollection of you. You were at Graham's and we were in the den, and you had on a tee: The Cult. Electric-era. I was totally impressed, as I also liked The Cult at that time. Happy belated bday. Let's get together with the kids soon!
Your first memory of me is from 1987 or later (when The Cult rocked the Center Stage Theater)? *sigh*
I think my first memory of you was, oh about, 7 years earlier! It involves you and Lisa running away screaming at the sight of me; forever crippling my social confidence with women.
Perhaps we can get together at the Brickstore and I can try to face my fears head-on by reliving that tragic day.
- Crabapple Dan (uggh...)
I guess I should clarify - that is my first solid recollection of you. I do remember you and your brothers and the CNN talking head's kid being around the hood, but (and this will not help the self-confidence) all of you and your brothers kind of blended together. As far as the c. 1980 incident - I do not recall it specifically, but I believe you. I was 8. I did a lot of running from boys. They were icky.
Haven't you been redeemed by the thought that I thought you were cool with your Cult shirt on?
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