Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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Hilarious- I have to agree- I've secretly thought it was about cars for years. James was enthralled with the whole story. I hope this Sarah likes cars...
Does James like to watch video? Rollie and Tiller love to watch other kids. Funny about the cars - he LOVES the movie CARS and we bought him Cars valentines, so that is what that was about.
I am a little concerned about the blossoming Sarah romance. :-)
Grandpa Owens (that would be Peppy, you can appreciate the Southern nicknames) sent the movie and a 'Tow-mater' over at christmas; he doesn't have the attention span for the movie yet but he likes pushing cars around.
Ah, yes. Tow-Mater. Sadly, Todd had to explain that one to me.
Rollie loves it - while he was sick one day, we watched it all the way through, THREE times in a row.
The part that makes me want to beat the DVD player with a bat is: "I think we got a nodder!" GRRRRR.
Sophie's Valentine and best friend, Noah, loves the CARS movie as well. She is learning all the cars characters and likes to tell me ALLLLL about each one of them. But of course, their favorite is Lightening Da Queen...sounds like a drag queen doesn't it? Love the Rollie video, we need a picture of this Sarah, please.
Dorothy - I don't have a pic of Sarah - she is a schoolmate.
Lightning DaQueen. ha!
Sarah is a dirty bitch.
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