You Are a Joke
Rollie's latest thing, other than learning the word "Dammit" from his Grandma, is to say to people, "You are a joke." The first time he said this to me, I even kind of had my feelings hurt. He just hadn't said that many mean things before. I got over that, though, and explained to him that it wasn't nice to say that to people, and that it would hurt feelings, etc. He looked at me blankly, laughed, and said, "Mama, you are a joke."
I am so good at this job.
It seems that he picked this little gem up from (where else?) t.v. He loves the movie Cars, and in fact, it was the first movie Todd ever took him to see in the theater. (He made it about 20 minutes.) We have it on DVD. It is a pretty benign movie, rated G, but the cars race and bump into each other and say things like "You are a joke." There is a laughably "mean" car, too.
It is scary how easy it is to imprint things upon the blanket of freshly fallen snow that is the mind of the three-year-old. They are without a single imperfection, and then language begins to assail them from every side, and suddenly, they are saying, "mama, You are a joke," or "We're home, dammit!"
This is a very heavy job, raising a kid. For a perfectionist, or even a failed perfectionist, it is really difficult to know that there are no A +s in parenting. Parenting involves watching the slow erosion of a perfect being into an imperfect person, and simply trying to prevent them from sliding below average into sociopath. There is no other way. It is terrifying and beautiful, and the weightiest responsibility I have ever felt.
There are small victories, though. Like getting to wipe your son's ass after he poops in the potty. Because at least he pooped in the potty, instead of in the diaper, or in his Batman undies, or crouched under the kitchen table hiding from you.
Labels: Motherhood, poop, Rollie, Rollieisms
Sounds all too familiar. Elle started calling everything and everyone STUPID for a while. It took some time, but I found the root cause.
PB...F'ing S! We have Comcast and therefore have PBS on demand. Well, sometimes I am a bad parent while fixing dinner and park Elle in front of the TV and flip on some on demand show, like, say, CAILLOU!!!
Turns out this one episode (which she watched at least 5 times) was about sharing. Well, it took a long time to get around to the moral of the story. Caillou and some asshole friend of his couldn't share and one or both kept saying "stupid".
Caillou is no longer welcome in our house...
Okay, Caillou suuuuuuucks. Todd and I have been in agreement since the first time we saw the little fucker - he is a total little pansy.
I have to agree, we can't stand Caillou either. Annie, I am right with you as far as TV goes. Sophie now loves Dragon Tales, which is fine, it's pretty benign, except that every character WHINES. No one speaks in a normal tone. It is amazing how almost every "dip" in her behavior can be traced back to TV......
"Parenting involves watching the slow erosion of a perfect being into an imperfect person, and simply trying to prevent them from sliding below average into sociopath."
Freakin beautiful. I will keep this in mind. (and no smart remarks about my self-censorship, a la "poop")
Was it Todd's mother who taught Rollie to say "Dammit"? I seem to recall that was her go-to word when Todd and I were acting up.
I've noticed that a lot of shows and movies that are allegedly "kid-friendly" promote bad attitudes and behaviors. I remember that when some of my (older) nieces were younger, their mother had to ban the Nick cartoon "Rugrats" because of some bad habits/expressions that the girls picked up from it.
TV is your biggest enemy or your best friend (like when you're trying to cook dinner).
Damnit, I'm glad y'all left my house. Those little fuckers were getting on my nerves. :)
Exactly, Dorothy! it is like the characters are either too aggressive or too wimpy. That is one thing I like about Dora - nice and confident.
Ah, jason. Hopefully, you will still want to procreate after meeting my children. Just don't let Alison read this.
Yep, Todd said the same thing, Lyle. That seems to be your mom's word. I think you are right, Lyle. Even when the "good" characters are good, they seem to pick up the bad characters' habits along with the good. It is usually stuff like "You're stupid." but that just sounds HORRIBLe coming out of a three-year old's mouth.
Lisa, you are the best aunt ever. if you really loved them, you would have kept them till work.
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