Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blood Will Out

[Rollie swings silver plastic strand of beads around his head like he is going to lasso Tiller, or maybe whip her with the beads.]

Rollie, stop that this minute! You're gonna put an eye out!

Not only is this one of those things that I promised myself I would never say, but when I said it, I sounded for all the world just like my Grandma Palmer from South Georgia.

Blood will out, I suppose.

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At 11:10 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

I find that in the heat of the moment, exactly the same thing happens. Something comes out of my mouth and I think, "Did I just say that, or is Dotty (my mom) here?" As you get older, you will embrace it, and one day, your kids will be quoting you. That is something to look forward to! Glad my sister Mary has found Dogwood girl as well...:)

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

It is frightening the way that our parents shape us down to the way words come out of our mouth. Daunting when you think of the effect every word you say has on your own children, no?

And yes, welcome, Mary!

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Annie, To that end, I do make an effort to leave behind the things that I felt were damaging (and i use that term very loosely) to me when I heard them as a kid. No offense to my parents, I think they, as I am, were doing the best they could at the time. But some things do stick with you way longer than they should. I try to be aware of that and ask myself what is it that I want my kids to remember about their childhood. I find that helps me gain a healthier perspective regarding whatever situation is going on.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Dorothy, that is to be commended, because it is so difficult to think before speaking when you are talking to kids, because the conversations can be so frustrating and mind-numbing, and neverending. I think i will try to do that, too. I also just try to imagine what it would look and sound like to complete strangers if they heard me talking to my kids.

I have to say that my parents did a great job of not ever making me feel small in any way. They may have instilled a bit too much of a financial security consciousness, but I know they did it out of love.

Oh, and they believed me when I said I thought math was hard, when really it was just that I didn't want to do my homework. But that is just as much my fault, now isn't it?

Mostly, though, Mom and Dad, I think I turned out pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself. Way to go!

At 2:09 PM, Blogger jasonaut said...

yes. exactly.
recently my 5 year old nephew was standing in the street, I said
"HEY! Git out da road!"
Not only how it was said, but I sounded exactly like my dad, grandfather, and probably every other parker male ever, all the way back to the era of the rebel yell.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

OMG. Sadly, Jasonaut, I can hear this perfectly in my head, just the way my grandma would say it.


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