Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Okay, I'm Out.

I'm gonna go ahead and out myself before someone else does.

I watch American Idol.

I have never watched it until this season. I thought it was stupid, mindless, and indicative of just about everything that is wrong in this world. I still think that. But in a moment of weakness, I started watching the first few weeks when they were still auditioning the really crappy whack jobs who think they are good singers. I got roped in, just like crack. Pop always told me to stay off dope, but he never warned me about American Idol.

Even so, I was able to watch with some indifference as people were voted off each week. Until this week. Cute little Chris. Not that great a singer, but Good God that boy is gonna take the teenybopper's money with a flash of that shy smile. Phil, devoted father and husband of two little girls? The tragedy!

Even more indicative of my addiction? If that spoiled brat Jordin (hate names spelled "uneekly!") doesn't get voted off next, I'm . . . still going to watch anyway.


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At 10:56 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Let me just join the "outing", I watch too. But I think we differ on some point: I cannot stand Chris, he gives me the heebie jeebies, his eyes are creepy and either shave your head, or grow it out for goodness sake. Not to mention his nasal voice. Was out to dinner tonight with some girlfriends and breathed a sigh of relief when we saw him get the boot. Now Phil, I do like and was sorry to see him go. And Jordin? While I agree with you about her name spelling(although her parents decided that) she can SING, much more so than Blake. I think the finals should be Melinda and Jordin. The winner is a toss up, and really doesn't matter b/t those two, they will both make it big.

And to do you one better, I actually bought Carrie Underwood's CD last week, it is good. Sigh, guess I am hooked....

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go ahead out yourself on another. Your kids watch Barney!

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Lyle said...

Ah, so the alternamom finally comes clean.

Could Bon Jovi performance's last night have been any more of a letdown? What was that?

I'm with Dorothy on Chris. I couldn't have been more happy to see him leave the show. Was sorry to see Phil leave, but it's not like he was going to win it all anyways. Melinda is clearly the best singer in the competition, so she will just as clearly not win. I'm guessing that means Jordin's the next idol.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Welcome, Dorothy. LOl about chris giving you the heebie jeebies - but don't you think the teens probably like him? Also, he loves his grandma, and that gets big points with me.

I agree Jordin has a great voice, but it bothers me that she's a pro football players kid, and now she is on American Idol at 16, and how is she ever going to learn anything about work ethic or paying your dues?

Agreed also that Blake doesn't have the best voice, but he has charisma (and balls, after last night's performance.) He also won big points with me for doing songs early on that were a little less mainstream. i thought that took guts.

I think Melinda should win.

I don't think I will buy any of their cds, so you win. I think most of the music they play on there sucks donkey dicks. It is more of the suspense that I like. Oh, and the chance to see people choke a little, or go outside of their comfort zone and "blow it outta the box."

Yes, I just said that, dawg.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Jason - we do not watch Barney. We have seen barney, by accident. For example, if we left the tv on pbs for sesame earlier in the day, then turn it on and Barney is on and they cry if I try to change it, well, then I leave it. But I hate that purple fucker. hate him.

We are all about Between the Lions now.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Lyle - Please do not call me AlternaMom. You should call Todd Alternadad to see if you can get a rise out of him, though. ha.

Interesting about Chris. I still stand by my liking him for loving his grandma. Agreed that neither of them had the chops to win.

concerning the bon jovi performance. I used to love Bon Jovi. I saw them at the Omni in 9th grade. My sister will vouch for me that I wore a red Outback Red button down shirt. I wanted to marry Jon. Thing is, I grew outta the music. But not Jon = He is still cute as can be. That being said, I didn't watch his performance. I usually watch about ten seconds then fast forward through (ah, tivo!). I also didn't watch any of that save the kids stuff last week. a)can't watch it because it breaks my heard and b)I"m watching Idol for a reason, and it is not to feel guilty sitting with my feet up on the ottoman in the AC, drinking a beer while watching meaningless tv shows.

I really hope Jordin doesn't win (see my reply to Dorothy) but I think Melinda might not because she is so humble. Although she is like a diff. person when she performs.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Annie, I know what you mean about Chris and the teen vote, guess maybe that means I am showing my age, ha! And I agree, Blake has shown some balls. I didn't realize that about Jordin. My sister Mary informed me today she is also a "plus size" model, and recently completed a huge spread in 17. Does modeling count for a work ethic? Probably not, I would guess.

And I do have to respond to Lyle: There never is, and never will be ANY viewing of Barney in my home. EVER. Years ago my MIL gave my oldest a Singing Barney that sang when you hugged it. As soon as her visit was over, Barney went to Goodwill. Higglytown Heroes, yes; Barney, A Big NO NO.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Agreed on both Blake and Chris. I think the reason i like to shake with Blake is that he actually seems to have taste in music that I can respect. I am a music snob, after all.

Jason is the one who tried to pin the Barney on my household. Nice, try, jas. He is just embarrassed that his family plays purple, and is trying to bring the rest of us down with him.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger StephB said...

Hello - Barney has the Clean-Up song! How on earth can you get a 3 year old to clean up without it?

Annoying, yes, he sure is, but useful too.

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Steph, I never knew the clean up song was from Barney. Sophie learned it at school, and we do use it at home, but never knew the Barney connection. Still would not cause me to soften my no Barney stance.

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

See, Rollie never watched Barney, so he just learned that certain times of the day were cleanup time, and we just cleaned up. Then he came home from school singing the song, and we didn't know what it was. We kind of learned words to it, and now we use it, but I've never actually heard Barney sing it. for which i am thankful.

I see Dorothy and I are on the same page. :-)

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Blaker Girl! He may not have the best singing voice but neither do the vocalists in most of my favorite bands! At least he's original and different.

I'm so BORED with Melinda, JorDIN and Lakesha. Boring. Nothing new. Just more Mariah Carey. We don't need no mo of that shit.


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