Tuesday, May 01, 2007


So, I am still running, although I have had difficulty running as regularly as I want to with the crazy stuff going on with my Mom, and being out of town, etc. I am really trying to stick with it, though, because I feel so much better when I get enough exercise, that it is almost like I am a different person. Just ask the people who live with me.

So, on Saturday, I ran the farthest I have run yet: 4 miles. This doesn't include a few times that I have alternated walking and running for over an hour. I have done more distance, I guess in the past. I have definitely done longer hikes, but there is something so mentally challenging about making oneself primarily run a distance like that. It probably doesn't seem like a lot to people who run a lot, and it probably sounds like an insurmountable distance to those who don't run. (I know. I thought it was insurmountable a year ago.) But for me, it was big. I am at least 40 pounds overweight, and I did it. I ran at my in-laws in Dadeville, AL. They live in a golf community on a lake. It is huge and much of it is undeveloped woods. Lots of deer and buzzards. When I mapped it online, i just figured out how to do 4 miles in their neighborhood, and I didn't know all of the roads I included in the route. Big mistake. Actually, if I had known what part of it was like, I never would have attempted it. I walked a couple portions. One was the hill from hell. It was fairly steep and went. on. for. ever. When I got back to the house, I gave my father-in-law the evil eye, because I had asked him if my route made sense, and when I mentioned that road, he didn't even bat any eye or mention anything about the hill. Anyway, I did it, and it felt great.

The crazy thing, though, is how much easier it made my short run last night! I was just doing a 35 minute run, and I ran farther than i ever have before in that amount of time. Now, to be fair, part of the speed can be attributed to the fact that I live in the hood, and I ran from my house to the village, which requires running through what my cousin and I affectionately call "Little Afghanistan." I am not sure the origin of this name, but it seems to fit, and what it comes down to is that if you are out running after 8pm, you do not want the sun to set on you in Little Afghanistan. Anyway, the 5K I ran back in October (I know! I need to run another!) was my first and I ran it in 35:06. Granted, the hills were from hell, and the weather was windy, whereas last night's weather was awesome, and the route was pretty flat. But I still ran it in 33:24, even when sucking Marta bus fumes, and stopping for a little traffic at crosswalks, so I am happy that I am getting my time down closer to the 11 minute/mile pace.

Oh, and I started swimming about a month ago for my cross-training, to give my poor knees a break. I swam a mile this morning. It wasn't fast, but it was easy as hell; Time permitting, i could have kept going forever. Which makes me feel pretty good.

Yay me!

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At 8:29 PM, Blogger StephB said...

Whoo Hoo! You kick ass, Anne! I like the part about not letting the sun set on your butt in Little Afghanistan.

And the swimming - a whole mile. That is huge. And it was easy. . .

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

You rock, good for you! I agree with Steph ( i think this is the second blog i have written that on today...) that a whole mile swimming is huge. Keep it up, it will only get easier.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Little Afghanistan is the funniest thing ever. It makes me giggle every time I say it.

The mile swim is actually not that hard. I just hadn't done one in like . . . a good 15 years or so. i swam competitively as a kid, though, and half miles were more of the warmup at that time. I just figured it would be much harder than it was, since it had been so long. It was easy, though, so next time i am going to try and pick up the pace.

You could swim a mile easy - You are in good shape.


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