Glory Days
Day before yesterday, the family and I had to make a detour from the lake to Athens on the way home; Todd had to return a bike that they didn't use for a shoot last week, and so i called my friend Opel to meet us for lunch. We had the dog and kids with us, so Taco Stand (Milledge, of course) was an obvious choice. I had already dragged Todd there during some portion of our courtship; He was still unimpressed, but i have years to force him into submission. I had forgotten that Athens is so dog-friendly, so i had the pleasure of eating my favorite college hangover food with my 8 year old dog, who had never been there with me. And the kids got to try it, too! They even have a tv on the deck, which i don't think was there when I was in school, and they had on Tom and Jerry, which bought me tons of time to hang and chat with Opel.
I'm pretty sure that one of the most fun times in my life was when i lived on Pulaski Hts in Athens, with Honey and Scott. Opel and I were talking about how much we loved that house, and how he would go to class and then end up at our house just about every day for a year or more. Lying on the vinyl couch. Playing darts in the massive 70s kitchen. Going down to the tracks to throw rocks at the train. The day in March when we had that crazy snowstorm and then tons of people came over and partied all day. Curt Cobain died when I lived in that house and I remember Chris Bilheimer and I finding out from a Grill coworker and then i walked home and went to the Quarry with Scott, Dave, and Karen. She drove her jeep. Ah. . . Warm days at the Quarry or at the river out 441 with the railroad trestle. Watching the fire at Hoyt St. The hot guy that lived on the corner, whom Honey and I lusted after when he mowed his lawn. The crazy woman who lived across the street. The hippie bus in the wooded lot across the street. The water tower bases at the dead end.
After we left Taco Stand, I made T. drive by the Pulaski Heights house. Truly odd to ride in my family van, with my kids and husband, up the hill to the old house. Todd mentioned that it was really steep. I told him i used to walk my bike up that portion of the ride home. On the way out, i pointed out the houses that were the same, the house were Sheila and Debbie had a really fun party where Touch Me I'm Rick and Sheila were naked, and where i took my underage sister and her friend to their first college party. When we came back from that party, someone had broken into our house and torn the window box off Scott's window coming in, and they stole his pants.
Good times, all. When I think of those days, i think of Honey and Scott, Zach, Opel, and Dave. Camille and Ryan and Dave and Rich. Katie and Karen and Donnie. These pics are for them. Apologies to the people who live there now, who were probably thinking, "Why is that old lady wandering around taking pictures of our little dead end street?"
The house and surroundings look a little different. I can still remember everything about what they used to look like, though.
The house on the steep hill. It used to be white. And a lot more run-down looking.
The front view. Looking at the porch makes me think of the porch swing and making wind chimes with scraps of metal from the railroad tracks behind the house. I loved hearing the train whistle at night.
This new construction is behind the red house on the corner of Pulaski and Pulaski Hts, and where the old Hippie bus used to be! I guess it's going to be some kind of studio or guest house. Pretty cool!
This kind of floored me. It is a fence and gate constructed in front of the old water tower site. When we lived there, only the water tower bases were there - huge concrete slabs that used to hold up a water tower, but without the water tower. Very cool, and pretty creepy. Hard to explain, but it was kind of like having your own Stonehenge. This is a neat addition, but odd, because there is no fence - you could just walk around it and go over to the stones anyway. I guess the woman from across the street did it. There are still a couple of old shack houses down at the end of the street, almost overtaken with kudzu, looking exactly like they did back in the early 90s. 
Labels: Athens, College, Friends, Pulaski Heights, Taco Stand
Good times indeed. I always thought that if i moved back to athens that's the house i'd want to live in. so many cool houses and great people. through all the smoke and booze, that time seemed to pass so slowly, however in reality it flew by. the thing i miss the most is the friends and the friendships. which, by the glory of the interwebs, are starting to blossom once again. athens will always be remembered as one of he best times of my life.
Totally the best house ever. I am pretty sure someone is pretty well-entrenched there now, though, because it looks much better taken care of. . .
sniff sniff. SP, you are so darn sentimental!
i also loved that same train coming through.
Mike, remind me where you lived that you loved same train? I am spacing. . .
things i remember about that house: grilled cheese sandwiches, beer bread, and "this must be crab central!"
Camille, LOL! Grilled Cheese was honey's fave - I remember when we were both on weight watcher's and she realized the points count for a grilled cheese, you woulda thought someone died! Beer Bread was Scott's specialty! Scotty, you still make beer bread? Yum. Post recipe on your blog, please.
And NO one, I mean NO one forgets "This is Crab Central" or "Sophia, Let's Talk."
I've got something in my eye. Right about when you said throwing rocks at trains. Glory days indeed.
And did you have some kind of huge party in this house at one time..?
Boy, those trains are really choking you boys up, huh? I definitely think of Donnie living over there behind us on the other side of the track and throwing rocks at . . . god, it must have been almost dawn. what WERE we doing up that late?
There were quite a few parties in the house - the first big one i remember going to was before i lived there, when it was Ryan, Dave, and Rich. Keg on the brick patio. Probably about the time I worked at the Grill, because I think Ryan worked there, too. Ryan? I can't remember. I lived with Mya and about four other people at that time, in a little 2 br house. I lived in a dining room!
I think that was the first time I ever went there. Then later, other parties, although it is kind of blur. There was something i wrote about the snow day and a party, but it wasn't a big party, it was just one of those days where it snowed, and we didn't call people, but they just knew to show up with alcohol and stay for the day. Good times.
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