Hats Off to Some Fine Football Writing (and Go Ahead and Revoke My Girl Card)
Yes, i am a girl, and Yes, I turned down an invitation to see Wicked with my girlfriends (and Rollie and Tiller's Aunt T) because it might interfere with football. And yes, revoke my girl card now, because i spend approximately 4 hours or so a week reading about football online.
My fave sites are:
The brilliant Every Day Should Be Saturday (EDSBS), even though it's run by Gators.
Georgia Sports Blog - I'm pretty sure Paul Westerdawg is both a Bulldog fan and a Replacements fan, and let's be honest, those are pretty few and far between. I am so down with that.
Hey, Jenny Slater. A bulldawg stuck in B'ham, I believe. Anyway this guy is freakin' hysterical.
The best part about these folks is that they shatter the whole "SEC fans are dumbasses" belief. These kids is s-m-a-r-t. And hell, EDSBS even has a girl writing for'em.
So, all of this is to spotlight a post by Doug at Hey, Jenny Slater, which is just about the most brilliant and beautiful post I've seen in ages.
I teared up a little when i read it.
Labels: Football Season, Fucking Spurrier, Gamecocks, I swear I am a girl, Internet Addiction
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