Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another Thing They Don't Tell You About Breastfeeding. . .

You spend like 8 hours a day breastfeeding. And I don't know about other people, but my back is KILLING me. Okay, I don't have the best posture, but i do while I'm feeding Matilda, because they stress that when you're learning, so I always sit up straight and don't hunch over her, but my back is still killing. And it only gets worse when I have her in the sling, or the bjorn, or flung over my shoulder, which is the other 17 hours of the day.


What is the La Leche League's take on painkillers and muscle relaxants?


At 3:52 PM, Blogger StephB said...

The doc told me to take 4 ibuprophin every 6 hours after I left the hospital. I would think that a couple of advil every now and again for your back would be fine. I'm having the same problem - seems like my back didn't get better last time until I stopped nursing and started the stupid situps.


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