Thursday, December 08, 2005

2 Months of Miss Tilda

I can't believe Matilda has been with us for two months already (9 weeks tomorrow). She has already become a part of the family and i can't remember what it was like to have just one child.

Matilda's 2 month well-baby checkup was yesterday. We had to wait for 45 minutes before being called back, and by the time we left, she hadn't eaten in 4 hours. She was not happy. The doctor said that she looked "fabulous." She wasn't even wearing any accessories or anything - just a sleeper.

Here are her stats:
Weight: 12lbs, 3 oz. (75-90th%)
Head Circ: Okay, i don't remember, but it was right at the 50th%.
Height: 23 and 1/2 inches (75-90th%)

The doctor said her height for weight ratio was perfect.

We also had the first immunizations and Rollie's flu shot. Rollie went first, so that he wouldn't see Matilda screaming before it was his turn. He cried and looked at me like I betrayed him, but stopped crying before we had put him back down on the ground. Matilda received four shots and she screamed bloody murder, but she recovered and was fast asleep by the time I had buckled her into the carseat. We had no after-effects from the shots: No fever or fussiness.

Matilda, at two months, you are already so different than when we brought you home. You coo at the animals in the mobile over your swing, and at the lights and baubles on your bouncy seat. You will sleep longer periods now: a good 5-8 hour stretch at night, and 1-2 hour naps a couple times a day. At other times, you will take catnaps. You are starting to control your hands. You will try to milk my breast when you are eating, as if you could squeeze more out. You smile at us now, with regularity. Mostly when we are changing your diaper, or hovering over you making silly faces, but sometimes it is right when you first see my face in the morning. This morning was wonderful: You smiled at me when i came in to get you, and Rollie came downstairs upon waking, and walked over to me and said, "kiss." Some days, I feel like the luckiest Mom in the world. The heart really does have the ability to expand and accomodate both children.


At 2:20 PM, Blogger StephB said...

Great visit!! : ) She is a beautiful girl, even without accessories.

Why not whip it out at the doc's office? Poor old Dagny got 1/2 boob in the lobby, 1/2 in the room while we waiting and the whole other boob in the lobby after our visit. She screams bloody murder when she's hungry.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Well, if i hadn't had Rollie with me, I would have, but he was into everything. And I have to use two hands when feeding. One to hold baby, one to support boob. Otherwise, my nipples tear. Unfortunate, but true.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger StephB said...

OW! Nipple tearing is bad.

I was without Annika ("school") so that is why it was easier for me to whip it out. That and the fact that I have no boob to support - HA!


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