Saturday, March 04, 2006

Grudge Fucks, and The One Person I Would Do On the Homeroom Table

Dooce, my blogheroine, recently mentioned the old "top five" discussion in one of her posts. If you are into much more excellent writing and wit, suit yourself: You can see it here. I know this whole top five thing is old hat, but my high school friends and I were doing top fives long before anyone had read Nick Horsby. We just never bothered to write about it. Until 1993. . .

When I was in college, I took French (oh so useful) and my friend Jason was in my class. I believe our TA's name was Chris Carlysle, but I could be wrong. Jason, possessed of freakish, near-photographic, but completely trivial memory, will probably know. We were studying for a test at my apartment. We had those index cards and were making flash cards for study use. This, of course, turned into beer-drinking, flash-carding "top five lists," and revealing the lists to one another, a la some gameshow. You could cure famine in Africa with the amount of tears of laughter shed during the evening. During the course of the evening, we made lists of everything we could think of, including top five movie stars, top five musicians, top five current real life people, top five people you would have done in High School, and my personal favorite, top five Grudge Fucks. Hilarity ensued. If only those precious cards had survived. Actually, knowing Jason as the collector he is, he probably pocketed them while I was in the bathroom and has them archived in perpetuity inside acid free paper sleeves and hermetically sealed baggies. I wish I could remember them now, but there are just fragments: Jason really liked Madchen Amick and Janine Turner. Alicia Bruner had the best tits in high school. I probably had Chris Cornell or Billy Corgan on my musician's list. Totally untold tenth grade crush? Dan Petritz in Romeo and Juliet class. I totally would have done John Sabol on the table in homeroom, with Michelle Retzke, Scott Carter, and Mrs. Graham looking on. Even more so if he was talking The Pretenders.

Top five grudge fucks? No way I'm divulging those! They still stand!!

The next day, we both showed up for the exam, hung over and unprepared. Jason got a B. I pulled an A. Which, of course, makes up for him making an A+ on the same fucking Biology report for the Atlanta Zoo field trip that we worked (and got lost) on together and on which I only made an A. (Obvious evidence that Mr. Moeller liked young boys, despite my stellar performance on the volleyball court.)

Anyway, I'm bored and never really blogged my top five, so what the hell! In no uncertain order:
  1. Christian Bale
  2. Johnny Knoxville
  3. Heath Ledger
  4. John Cusack*
  5. Brad Pitt**
Honorable mention: Zack Rogue

*First appeared on Annie's top five after Better Off Dead. Despite many changes and shakeups in the top five (including the Young Guns debacle), John has always remained in the top five.
**May also qualify as a Grudge Fuck.
*** If you need to use the hyperlinks for the first five names above, you need to get a fucking life.

Fellow blogger friends: Tag! Let's see yours. . . .


At 5:10 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

what made me laugh more than the shock of John on a table (I see his 7th grade perm as part of this tableau) is the imagined look on scott carter's face. that guy still haunts my dreams- along with Curt whathisname our fascist valedictorian.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hear Jason's evil little laugh right now!

My top five:

1) Jared Leto
2) Zach Braff
3) John Cusack
4) Colin Firth
5) Brad Pitt

By the way, I totally don't get Heath Ledger. Yuck. I wanted to put Andrew McCarthy circa 1985 but thought you would make fun of me too much.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Nat said...

OMFG! I had a crush on Dan Petritz too! He was my chemistry partner and told me that I had freakishly cruvy legs. I was little devasated to learn the guy with the mohawk thought I was freakish.

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain "grudge fuck".

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff Anne. Yes, Chris Carlisle (sp?!) it was. The heir to Wolf Camera was in that class with us as well. I wish I could lie and say that those flash cards existed. Good memory as Twin Peaks and Northern Exposure were my faves at the time. Neither lady has missed a beat by the way. I will go ahead and clarify "grudge fuck" as I think it was a term I coined that night. I defined it as someone you really hated or just found annoying. A good example would be Chandler from Friends' girlfriend Janet(Maggie Somebody who actually used to date David Duchovny) or Courtney Love. HMMMMM...Dan Petritz. I seem to recall both Sean Harrison and the old basketball coach/gym teacher (the one who would call you a "mullethead") pronounced it pet-treat-so. I recall when he worked at blimpie and I at Baskin Robbins. At the time we had similar interests in music. I made a copy of the Danzig show I bootlegged at the Center Stage. I do recall ace-ing you out with the A+ on the bird project for Mr. Moeller's class! I seem to remember a blurry picture of a cardinal in you backyard as your downfall. Mr. M definitely had a penchant for boys. I could have seen him in Phantasm or Salem's Lot...something about that sagittal ridge and deepset, creepy eyes. I think he was fired for something some years ago. One can only imagine why.

As far as top 5's go. I don't understand Heath Ledger at all. Let me stew on mine...

At 11:25 AM, Blogger StephB said...

I still don't understand about the grudge fucks - hate them so much that you are attracted?

Off the top of my head top 5:
1. John Cusack
2. Vin Diesel
3. Lenny Kravitz
4. Vince Vaughn
5. Christian Slater

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

maier you mullet head! the words of coach richard 'cuda' smith still ring in my ears, bless his lackadaisical soul.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

If I have the time period and concept understood:
-Winona Ryder
-Uma Thurman
-Kim Gordon
-Lara Flynn Boyle
-Kim Deal

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuda Smith--Ha! Curtis Maximus Bentley once read an entire Encyclopedia from Aa-Zz. He is either on top of the world or jumped years ago. Sabol's perm cracked me up.

Lara Flynn Boyle is a good call assuming you meant Twin Peaks days versus Las Vegas.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here goes...

1.Ashley Judd
2.Madchen Amick
3.Jennifer Connolly
4.Adriana Lima
5.Liz Phair


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