What i did not expect to get for my anniversary?
Food poisoning.
I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour, drinking milk shakes cold and long
Smiling and waving and looking so fine, don’t think
You knew you were in this song
And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor
And I thought of ma and I wanted to get back there
Your face, your race, the way that you talk
I kiss you, you’re beautiful, I want you to walk
We’ve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
We’ve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, that’s all we’ve got
- David Bowie
For those of you not up on your SEC football, this will make no sense. For the rest of you, read on.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr Ea. . ."
If your fingernails are so long that you can't push buttons on the ATM machine, and you have to try repeatedly to finish your transaction correctly, while numerous cars are in line behind you, including a van with not one, but two wailing children, maybe, just maybe, that is an indication that you should cut your fucking nails. Just a thought.
I feel like I've spent ages away from home and hearth, but it was really just three nights. We drove (!) down to my friends Honey and Slade's wedding in Delray Beach, Florida on Thursday night. Honey now goes by her middle name, "Brooke," but for those of her who have known her for ages, she is still Honey, whether she likes it or not. Sorry, Honey! Myself, Honey, and two other friends, Laura and Dana, all lived together when we were in school at The University of Georgia. I can't believe we've known each other for SIXTEEN years now. It feels like just yesterday that we met!
I drag myself to an eight o'clock pm step class at the YMCA. I feel great afterwards, all blissed out on cardio, and decide that i should go to the grocery store without the kids before going home. I know that i have to get some bulky items, like cat litter, tons of toilet paper, economy packs of diapers, and the 40 lb bag of dog food, and it is always a little trying to fit all of that into the cart with Rollie in there, and to lift the shit with Matilda in the Baby Bjorn on my chest. (Have you ever tried to lift anything that weighs forty pounds without clutching it to your chest, crushing your child? It requires using only your arms. Not easy.) I get out of the car at Publix, put Todd's "mellowmix" on the IPod, and nod at the security guard in the cart vestibule. (I have no idea if that is what it is called, but i can't think of another word to accurately describe that "not-quite-inside-the-store" room where they keep grocery carts.)
My friend Steph's daughter Annika just turned three and we gave her a Barbie for her birthday. A little background on the Barbie purchase.