Proud Parent
The other day, Rollie said, "Good song," from the backseat when I was playing "(Drawing) Rings Around the World" by Super Furry Animals. About a week before that, I looked in the rearview to catch him nodding his head to Broken Social Scene's "7/4 (Shoreline)." Today, on the way home from the Y, I was listening to The Editors and he said, "Make it Youder." Great musical taste, not so great at the letter L.
I am so proud. This probably seems silly, but I credit some of my parents' music with influencing my own tastes in music - Otis Redding, Elvis, the Everly Brothers, Gordon Lightfoot, Waylon Jennings, David Allan Coe, The Eagles, the Beatles, Peter Paul & Mary, Jerry Lee Lewis, just to name a few - These all remind me of my childhood, and they are things that I still love to hear today. (Okay, that is not completely true. I have not sought out the Everly Brothers. Ever. But I would love to hear Cathy's Clown!)
I just hope that Rollie and Matilda have fond memories of the music I listen to during their childhood. And I hope that when they think of me listening to it, they smile as big a smile as I do thinking of my Mama driving us around in the red station wagon, singing along with "Peaceful Easy Feeling" playing on the 8-track.
We call those "green car songs" - the 80s songs we listened to while riding around with my mom. She sold real estate and the rule was that we had to stay in the car so there was a lot of radio.
That's funny! Yeah, the ones i listened to were more 70s, but definitely the same concept. All us kids would fight over who sat in the back of the station wagon closest to the speakers. No seatbelts. (Might explain my early hearing loss to some degree, too.) Probably should also have mentioned dancing to Blondie's "Heart of Glass" on a K-Tel compilation mom and dad had. I played it on the living room stereo, which was one of those HUGE consoles, with an 8 track, a turntable, and a radio. You lifted the top up, almost like a chest, and it looked like a buffet. You could serve Christmas dinner off the thing!
I guess we better stop listening to all that crap that promotes being a pimp, having bling and "grills".
Love your site and love reading about your life and your kids!
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