Tuesday, June 13, 2006

There, I've Said it

Alcohol and dieting don't mix. I could have lost a whole lot more weight by now if i just quit drinking. Or drinking during the week. Or even just drinking at home.

So, my sister and I have made a pact. I am not drinking again until 4th of July weekend. We have a wedding to attend that weekend.

Wish me luck! I am going to need it!


At 11:27 AM, Blogger StephB said...

Wow, that is three weeks away - that is a long time. I think you should get a dispensation if anyone in the house gets sick again.

Me, I'm just trying to cut out the chips and salsa and the chips and cheese dip. But if Doug makes more homemade salsa, all bets are off.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

nothing wrong (or fattening) about salsa. good luck staying away from the booze; my unsightly gut has convinced me to at least leave out the beer during the week.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Nat said...

I just can't reconcile not drinking when you have small children.

That said, I bet you drop weight. I haven't quite gotten to where I am ready to test that for myself.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on the not-drinking, darlin.
By the way, how's that going for you? :)


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