Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My Day

7:50 a.m. Get up, throw on clothes.
7:55 am. Change Matilda's diaper, go downstairs.
8:00 a.m. Breastfeed Matilda.
8:15 a.m. Pour coffee, eat breakfast bar and drink coffee while checking email.
8:45 a.m. Clean bathrooms and upstairs for house showing.
9:15 a.m. Mow yard.
10:30 a.m. Wash face, pack bag for outing. Feed Matilda again.
11:00 a.m. Go by post office, get todd to drop me off, immediately return to car because 500,000 people are in line and only two people are working the counter.
11:20 a.m. Go to La Casita for lunch.
12:00 noon Go home, get todd to watch kids in car while I go inside, pee, check messages, make sure house has already been shown, let dog out to pee, put dog back in crate, go back and get in car.
12:20 Drive to Candler Park and find parking space. Get out, put M. in stroller and instruct Rollie on hand-holding necessity in parking lot. Walk down to playground.
12:30 Realize playground is closed. Walk back up hill and then sit with Rollie and matilda to watch kickball game in progress.
12:35 Go back to car and put both kids in carseats and put stroller back in car.
1:00 Drive back to East Atlanta to go to Brownwood Park or Glenwood Park.
1:15 Realize both kids have fallen asleep in car. Decide to find a drive-thru Starbucks (only two known drive-thru locations in Atlanta located at Piedmont Rd. in Buckhead or Briarcliff and Lavista. Neither are close to my current location.)
1:17 Realize I have no cash on me.
1:18 Drive through ATM
1:30 Pull out of ATM and leave East Atlanta for Briarcliff Lavista Starbucks in hope of getting coffee, parking, and reading while kids sleep.
2:00 Finally arrive at Starbucks after being caught in massive Buddhist parade that shut down Moreland.
2:01 Order coffee just as matilda wakes up.
2:02 Pay for coffee and pull into parking lot, realizing i have to feed Matilda again.
2:02 1/2 Rollie wakes up and wants snack and a park.
2:03 Pull out of parking lot without feeding matilda, thinking i will drive to Piedmont Park, feed her before getting out of car, then walk to find a snack and a playground.
2:20 Get caught in massive Virginia Highlands Festival/normal beautiful Saturday Piedmont Park traffic. Decide to scrap Piedmont Park idea in favor of new Cabbagetown or Glenwood Park idea.
2:30 Realize Cabbagetown Park is inaccessible due to emergency situation requiring fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars to block the way.
2:40 Drive past Glenwood park, realizing children will burst into flames if I take them out where there is no shade at 3 pm. We of course don't have hats or sunscreen with us.
2:45 Pull into parking lot in East Atlanta Village. Get matilda out and sit in passenger seat to feed her as Rollie screams about cookie/park deprivation.
3:00 Put Matilda in stroller, pack up diaper bag/purse, book etc. Go around to Rollie's side and lift him out, again discussing how to hold hands in parking lots. Walk halfway across parking lot when Rollie says his pants are wet. Check his diaper. Pants completely soaked.
3:02 Mouth "FUUUUUUUUCK" silently, realizing pants are soaked and we have no other pants.
3:03 Turn around and go put Rollie back in carseat amidst more screams of "cookies" and "park." Put Matilda back in carseat. Put bags bag in front seat. Fold stroller and put back in car.
3:05 Get back in car, make drive of shame back to house.
3:10 Get home. Fix snack. Let out dog. Put Matilda on floor with pile of toys.
3:20 Turn on Baby Einstein. Start blogging about this wonderful day.


At 7:17 AM, Blogger StephB said...

I'm sorry about your aborted park trip - parks should never be closed.

Good for you for silently saying the bad word. Unfortunately, mine are sometimes audible.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Nat said...

Okay, here is what I am thinking: Why didn't she stay at La Casita and have 'gritas?
Just seems that the rest of the day 1) would not have happened or 2) you wouldn't have cared if it did.
Is that bad parenting? is it? Is it?


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