Thursday, July 13, 2006
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One Time I Said
- Nine Months
- God and Country
- Epiphany
- Crikker's Wedding
- Boy Eats Corndog
- Introducing
- The Hits Just Keep On Comin'
- That, My Dear Little One, Is Karma
- Dear Diary
- Sweetie, I Love You, But. . . #2
Me Likey
- Adventures in Parenting
- Arc of Time
- The Athens Blawg
- Atlanta Music Guide
- The Austin Affair
- Baby Got Books
- Bad Vibes
- Cable and Tweed
- Chunklet
- Criminal Records
- Dooce
- Drive a Faster Car
- Harris and Anne
- Kite Chronicles
- Resident Aliens
- imMEDIAte Graham
- Jasonaut
- Man Under Stress
- Mostly Muppet
- Neal Pollack's Alternadad
- The Negative Split
- Paste: Atlanta Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- The Wren's Nest Online

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
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I see Rollie's sippy cup next to his laptop...what is in mama's sippy cup offscreen?
Rollie's computer is WAY cooler than mine!
Where did you get rollie's computer? I must get one of those for Joshua - that thing is awesome!
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Tell me 'bout it, Stud. . .
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