It is Obvious: I am Right. You are Wrong. Questions?
There is an interesting article in this morning's New York Times about the increase in recent years in independent voters, particularly in the Southwest. This was welcome news to me, as I consider myself an independent (probably most closely allied with Libertarians) and constantly feel as if I am alone on a peninsula surrounded on one side by Red and one side by Blue waters. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't think that one of the two major political parties is the road to saving the nation and the world?
When discussing politics (which I often end up doing, despite the knowledge that it inevitably makes me angry), I usually end up with the sense that the person I am arguing with does not know me at all. I guess I am not a very persuasive speaker, but I usually come away with the feeling that my Republican friends and family think I am going to single-handedly bring terrorism's lethal blow down on America by not supporting their party. Democrats (and the majority of my friends are Democrats) think I am a right-wing pigeon from outerspace. These discussions usually end in a stalemate: On one particular occasion, I ended up crying tears of frustration as two girlfriends looked on and one more politically-independent friend draped his arm around my shoulder in sympathy and consolation.
All of that being said, I found the article really interesting, most importantly because it made me feel much less alone. So many of the quotes of those interviewed mirrored my own thoughts on American politics:
"Republicans of . . . libertarian bent have chafed as their party has held ever more tightly to the morals-based agenda of its Christian evangelical wing."Hurrah! I am not alone! You see, in the last five years or so, I have had the distinct feeling that rather than me not choosing a party affiliation, it will be people's refusal to look past their own party affiliation that might bring the downfall of our country. In other words, i am right, and the rest of you are wrong. Just kidding. Well, a little. . . It seems that Democrats spend most of their time trying to bring down the evil Bush regime and the Religious Right. Republicans spin their wheels making Dems out to be Godless, homosexual, weak-on-terror degenerates who hate their own country. I would be lying if I said that the thought of the nebulous independent vote injecting fear of outcome into both major parties didn't excite me just a little. I love to watch a politician squirm.
"Politics has become a winner-take-all game played at the expense of ordinary citizens."
"The deepened sense of polarization in American politics is also making the independent voters’ journey harder."
"Both parties are out for themselves. . . I think you’ve got a right to do what you want and a right not to be labeled."" . . . the major parties have simply made people angry."
"Right now, both parties are way too far apart and nobody is looking out for the good of the people.”
Just for fun:
Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz. If you happen to find yourself a bit Libertarian-leaning, go ahead and take the Libertarian Purity Test, too. It is completely ridiculous, but fun.
Yes, according to the totally infallible judgment of various internet tests over the years, I am a left leaning libertarian.
It is pretty impossible for me to swallow the necessity of government interference in ... just about anything involving my life.
Basically the federal government exists to provide security and other services... that's pretty much it.
Since when is government an arbiter of MORALITY?! That's MY JOB, thanks.
Although I have to admit it is VERY entertaining to have my liberal yankee wife go head to head with my conservative Southern dad, both poking away at each other until somebody's feelings (one guess, not his) get hurt.
Interesting. Maybe I am not surrounded by the red and blue, but more by varying shades of purple. My favorite color.
Agreed: When I wrote "Am I the only person in the world who doesn't think that one of the two major political parties is the road to saving the nation and the world?" I probably should have just written am i the only one who doesn't think the government can save us? We must save ourselves.
I bet your family get-togethers are similar to ours, except our scenario is Republican, Bush-loving Daddy against two very Left-leaning sons-in-law and two daughters who just want everyone to stop being so damn extreme.
p.s. I love your Yankee wife.
Yes, there are many independents out there -- in fact 35% of the American electorate considers themselves to be independent!
You might be interested in my blog The Hankster.
Go Libertarians! Although, there are many LP members that I wouldn't vote for and there are massive ideological disputes between "pure" libertarianism and what qualifies as the official Libertarian Party, they are really the real alternative. Republicrats are different sides of the same BIG GOVERNMENT game. These are good days too, as Republicrats continue to chase their supporters away year after year.
I don't think I could ever vote for dumb or dumber ever again. I also don't think the Democrats will win the Libertarian vote in their current state. IMHO, Democrats should reinvent themselves as the party of small government, open markets and freedom, but they won't.
As for the political propaganda wars, it's amusing to kick back and watch. Drove me crazy when Kerry was brought down by the swift boat liars for untruth, but that's the game. Democrats take lessons from your more-evil twin. I just hope we wake up from the nightmare one day with an alternative to lesser-of-two-evils democracy.
Stress, love the comments. Great article you linked to also. We are in total agreement on hoping for an end to lesser-of-two-evils voting options. It sucketh.
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