Friday, October 20, 2006
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One Time I Said
- I'm Not Sure
- What's Up with Dogwood Girl, Anyway?
- It's a Slow Day Here at My Brain
- What is it?
- To Matilda on Her First Birthday
- Tiller's Birthday
- Some People Deserve to Die
- Retirement: Fall Quote
- Oh.My.God.
- Signs of the Apocalypse
Me Likey
- Adventures in Parenting
- Arc of Time
- The Athens Blawg
- Atlanta Music Guide
- The Austin Affair
- Baby Got Books
- Bad Vibes
- Cable and Tweed
- Chunklet
- Criminal Records
- Dooce
- Drive a Faster Car
- Harris and Anne
- Kite Chronicles
- Resident Aliens
- imMEDIAte Graham
- Jasonaut
- Man Under Stress
- Mostly Muppet
- Neal Pollack's Alternadad
- The Negative Split
- Paste: Atlanta Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- The Wren's Nest Online

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
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Thanks for sharing those, I love seeing the transition from little bean to full fledged toddler. It really is amazing the changes a year brings.
It is amazing. I am so sad about her not being a baby anymore, that I am turning into one of those Moms that want to touch strangers' newborns in the grocery store. Not that I would. but i definitely think about it when I see them.
Such a beautiful girl. Good for you for keeping up with the photos.
She is adorable! Yes, I thought it was a long year, too- for other reasons, of course. Anyway, great post! Good to see the pics. On a side note, I just glanced over and saw that you are reading The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter! I'm reading that, too! What in the world possessed you to read that? I was browsing through the library a few weeks ago and picked it up. Isn't that crazy?
Well, I've wanted to read it for a long time. I just never got around to it, but i guess Oprah picked it for her book club, then my sister read it, so I just borrowed it from Lisa. Are you liking it? I am LOVING it.
Can I bust in on your book love to say that I so want James to have a crush on Matilda? Is that too weird? f-ing adorable.
Um, I guess it would be kinda cool to start a Maier/Johnson dynasty thing. . . .James is pretty hot. I guess it'd be okay. He will have better success if he grows red hair and looks like a certain muppet whom we all know and love.
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