Will Run More. Or At Least Blog About Running More.
So, the new year is all about resolutions and that damned sticking to them. So, one of my resolutions was to run more. Haven't been so good at that - the kids and I have been sick for over two months, off and on, and we have been busy, blahblahblah. Enough with the excuses. I am going to try and be better. One way that I find to make myself better adhere to any resolution is to tell others what I want to do. It keeps me honest if everyone knows I am Eating Less, Drinking Less, Running More, Writing More. I wrote recently about overcoming my writing fear - part of that was saying on here, to lots of people who know me (and a few who don't) that I want to write more. Scary, but effective. I will now do the same with my running. I am going to start logging my runs, and my weekly mileage. Just to try and keep myself honest.
Today: 4.7 miles. Unfortunately, that is all i have done this week. Hope to do more before the yard sale on Saturday and my trip to Orlando on Sunday. (Looking forward to getting some running in while in Florida, though.)
Okay, now you know. There. I've said it. Help hold me to it. Guilt and embarrassment works.
Labels: Drinking, guilt, mileage, resolutions, running, Writing
Way to go. 4.7 miles ROCKS! If you are already running that far, there is no reason why you can't run the Chattahoochee Challenge with Doug, me, Virginia, Nat in Feb!
I only did 3 today so you kicked my ass.
Well, thanks. I don't know how much i want to increase the mileage, though, as this is already an increase for me, and I definitely was feeling it in my left knee during that last mile. You guys are a little like a cult, by the way. Join!Join! Join! I appreciate the vote of confidence, though.
And also, I didn't say how long it took me to run that far. And another thing - you probably only did three because that is all you have time for, not because you couldn't do any more.
It is so fun to beat myself up. I should do this more often. :-)
Anne- I hear you about the strange cult of running. I feel like any day they are going to track me down and put me in a tiny pair of shorts. (Envision it...) 35 is a great time to take a hard look at un/healthy habits though. My knees won't run anymore but I am addicted to the gym after 10 months of making myself go. Best of luck with all the goals!
Mike, just had pizza come up on me - thanks for the visual.
The worst part about the cult is that it is easy for them to sneak up on you in those skulky running shoes.
So, what do you do at the gym, if not running? Weights? What kind of cardio?
Who cares how long it takes?
You are right to be slow on the mileage so that you don't hurt your knees. It's so weird that cardio gets in shape faster than joints.
No, I was sucking it at the end of 3. Damn head cold - I think there is a trail of lugies all around our block.
Anne- I do situps every time I go, and then lifting weights and riding the stationary bike. Its funny- I work out with a group of guys from Turkey, Portugal, Suriname, Iraq, and Italy and we all speak crappy Dutch to each other. Some of these guys actually compete as bodybuilders (complete with shaving and tanning bed etc.)- an interesting little world.
4.7 miles! Wow! I've actually been running for a few months (off and on) and I'm still only doing 4 miles because that kicks my ass. I plan on adding a mile next month, but it's been too damn cold to run, so I'm getting out of the habit. (I don't have the gym option right now). You are doing awesome!
Hey you could be like me and sign up for a marathon for the hell of it, then hardly run at all.
4.7 is nothing to shake a stick at. You're almost to 10k and that's very respectable.
Time shmime. There's plenty of time, and the more you run the more time you'll have.
If your knees hurt, buy new shoes.
I think the hardest part of running is walking out the door. Even as I type, I'm trying to talk myself out of running today... too cold, too much fascinating stuff to read on dogwoodgirl.net, too much hassle to change clothes/go upstairs/go outside, too noisy, too much traffic. There's never a shortage of excuses, sick babies or not.
Just do it is a brilliant marketing campaign.
Steph - yeah, i don't really care how long it takes. Just trying to say that you could still run circles around me. Agreed that the cardio vs. joints is a weird thing. I wish my joints could keep up with my cardio, because I think I could do more.Hope you feel better soon!
Mike - your gym experience sounds awesome. I will laugh my ass off if you come home all orange and tanned.
Camille - Thanks. I have been meaning to call you, but have been soooo busy this week. You are doing great. I can run the 4 miles, but just recently have I been running it, and if my knee starts hurting, I slow down and walk it a bit, or jog even slower than my normal pace (slow in itself.)
Jason - I always think that getting out there is the hardest part, too. Even harder when you have two kids to drag with you. I don't know how Nat does all those long runs with two kids. anyway, glad that Dogwood girl is a good diversion/distraction. And thanks for the vote of confidence.
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