Monday, February 26, 2007
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One Time I Said
- I Have a Problem.
- Soundtrack: Fairport 1979-1980
- Consider Yourselves Guilt-Tripped
- Our Weekend in Savannah: Part II
- Our Weekend in Savannah: Part I
- Road Trip! Again.
- Rollie on Valentine's Day
- I Still Want My Mommy
- Heartwarming Story of the Day
- Same Old Same Old
Me Likey
- Adventures in Parenting
- Arc of Time
- The Athens Blawg
- Atlanta Music Guide
- The Austin Affair
- Baby Got Books
- Bad Vibes
- Cable and Tweed
- Chunklet
- Criminal Records
- Dooce
- Drive a Faster Car
- Harris and Anne
- Kite Chronicles
- Resident Aliens
- imMEDIAte Graham
- Jasonaut
- Man Under Stress
- Mostly Muppet
- Neal Pollack's Alternadad
- The Negative Split
- Paste: Atlanta Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- Pecanne Log ::: Ladyblogging Atlanta
- The Wren's Nest Online

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Haha. Give that poor baby some real food, Annie.
That's progress, at least he is at the same table with it. Sophie would be long gone by now.....
So, that night he didn't like green stuff, but last night, he and Tiller both ate all their salads, wouldn't eat their black beans, corn, or pork, and they wanted more salad.
I think kids just have some malicious plan to make parents crazy. Like they have some memo go out, maybe subliminally through Sesame Street, and it tells them what they are "liking" that night at the dinner table.
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