Thursday, August 02, 2007
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My dentist only breaks out the N2O when he needs to do serious work (e.g. fillings). If I had my way they'd hook me up as soon as I walked in the door, even for regular cleanings. I just don't like anything about going to the dentist.
I hear ya. Actually, I should have mentioned that I was indeed having a filling. It sucked.
Okay, I was wondering. I was like they just give it to you for a cleaning. I've only had one cavity and I had to beg for so pain killer and he only gve me a local--no gas :( It was awful. Anyway, I was thinking if they give gas for cleaning I might actually be convinced to go to the dentist. Now if they would only give you gas at the paps I might go to the dr all the time.
I need a new dentist mine terrifys me! And for pain management he gives shots. Ouch!!!!
Amen, Sister! Steph, you should mention the N2O to your sister for paps - she could get a great practice built on that.
Well, Tara, mine gave novocaine shots, too, but well. . . i didn't care, because I had the nitrous.
My dentist gives it to me for the cleanings.
Not kidding.
I love it.
I remembered that and I looked at your dentist, but i think wasn't covered by my insurance.
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