November 11, 1989: Two Memories Converge, and Jason B., In All Probability, Shows Us the Depths of His Nerdiness
Kite Chronicles, aka "Mealby" put up a fond memory about an REM show in Macon and how she missed it. Here's where my memory picks up as hers was obviously drowned out by copious amounts of alcohol:
"Finishing where you left off, i went to this show with Jason and Evan. Evidently, my parents smoked crack while i was in high school and let me go to Macon and get a motel room with two guys for a show. We were also joined in said room by one of the Bells - matt or pat, weren't those their names? And another guy - Craig? Keith? Something like that.I made the show, but can't find the ticket stub. I know it's in the bottomless pit somewhere. Curiously, though, while looking through the pile for the homecoming pics in my earlier posts, i came across a ticket stub from two nights later:
Anyway, we went to the show, had a great time, and when we get to the motel, Va's car pulls up, the back door opens, and out spills Camille and Mike, completely blitzed out of their minds, giggling and barely able to stand, and Va gets out of her driver's door, looking SUPER PISSED.
From there, all i remember is laughing my ass off."

The big question is: Jason B, where is the Macon lighter????! Picture please. It was red, right? Also, jason, since you are the resident nerd. Wasn't this Fox show the one where they played all of Murmur and all of Green from start to finish? Or am i confused?
Labels: Camille, Evan, Fabled macon Lighter, Fox Theater, High School, Jason, Macon, Memories, MikeM, rem, Shows, Virginia H
i think i bare the lion's share for the directionless trip. it was me that said "take 85 South. or is it 75, just follow the signs". i too can remember very strongly the car pulling into the parking lot and everyone, who wasn't completely drunk, being completely pissed! "you said take 85 South". "well didn't you see the sign at 75 south that said Macon?" "yeah, but you said take 85 south". well maybe that's what led me to get a degree in geography? i saw that sign outside of atlanta a few years back and relived this memory. sorry!
hahahaha. STILL funny.
I saw this show at the Savannah Civic Center. A girl named Pammy hung on to my shoulders. I never saw here again. The end.
her. never saw "her" again. Sheesh, type much?
I seem to remember the green jeep pulling up outside the Macon Civic Center at the end of the show. I can still see everyone falling out of the jeep drunk and cussing.
The macon lighter is orange in color. I think I bought it from a vending machine in the lobby of the roach motel we stayed in. Sorry the cell pic didnt come through! Did the bells and the other guy spend the night in our room?
Yes, the Fox show was two nights after Macon. All of Murmur and all of Green with a lot of political jibberish about Wyche Fowler throughout. The encore featured a cover of Cameo's W-O-R-D Up!
Green Jeep? I dont' remember that. However, your memory of the show, and them talking about Wyche Fowler, and you are every bit the nerd, remembering Word Up. I would not have remembered that unless you brought it up. Good stuff. Jason, do you still have your ticket stub? Is it in a hermetically-sealed container?
Yes, actually the ticket stub is in a baseball card protector.
If I die, you can have all my REM ticket stubs, and any that have a "six degrees of separation" relationship with REM.
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