Since we're talking about prom dresses and I'm still biding my time until the vampires return, I dug up some old dance pictures from high school.
I already posted the one from yesterday - That
shimmering pink number was, in
Natalie's expert opinion, not safe to wear due to flammability, but we all know I like to live risky.
As you can see, above on the right, I have a little ephemera problem. I keep everything. If you wrote it, drew it, or made it for me, i have it in a box somewhere. Just ask my husband, who married me and thereby inherited a staggering amount of . . . well, nothing. Notes from class in high school? I have them. Left me a note on my door or car in high school or college? I have it. Doodled me a picture? I have it. Played in a band that i went to see and for which there was a flyer? I might just have it. Ticket stubs? Got'em. I drank beer out of a champagne glass from my junior prom last night. Extra points to the person who guesses the theme. (Hint: The year was 1989.)
So, we'll start with Homecoming 1987: Crazy for You. Yep, Madonna, from the Vision Quest soundtrack, no less. Can't beat that with a stick. And I wore the shiny dress. Can't find the real pictures from that event, and honestly, i can't remember much about it, except going with David, and we rode with an older guy. It was my first "date in a car." We were not even out of my neighborhood before someone handed me a beer. I also remember thinking, "Oh, I'm not supposed to drink in cars. What do i do now?" But drink in a car, I did. And from there, we just know it was pretty much downhill. I don't remember going to the dance at all, but i do remember that night being the first night I ever went to Lon Feldman's basement. It was not the last time by a long shot.
Next up: Homecoming '88 - When It's Love. I can't make this shit up, people. If you are keeping score, that is one Madonna. One Van Halen.

I went with Shane Nugent. People called him "The Nuge." I did not call him that. Totally nice guy who was in my homeroom forever. (I was a "P" and he was an "N" - originally, they did homerooms by alphabet, and I was always between John Parker and Alison Peacock, which is how I came to be friends with the Homecoming Queen. After they changed the way they did homerooms, i was no longer with Parker and Peacock, but Shane and I were in homeroom together all four years of high school.) Anyway, I guess he asked me because he didn't have anyone else to go with - we never dated or anything. I hadn't been asked, so that worked out well. We went with Jeff Myers and I can't remember who his date was. We ate at the Italian place in Roswell that for some reason I am thinking Van Halen ate at once? No idea where that came from in my brain, but it is stuck in there, and it would be awesome if someone else remembered that and let me know i wasn't crazy. That is all i remember.
Oh, and I didn't totally hate my dress. Blue velvet, with bows on it. I didn't even hate the bows. Very small bows. Also, silver shoes. I always wanted silver shoes, ever since my mom had a pair in the 70s, and i used them for dress up.

Next: Homecoming 1989. I am pretty sure, based on the picture below, and the timeframe, that this was "In Your Eyes" themed. I went with SLP, just as friends, and it was fun. As mentioned in my comments for yesterday's post - he was an easy date. No love connection, just two friends who wanted to stay out late and get their drink on. I believe that this was the infamous "wallowing" night, wherein there were many love triangles, and a few of the jilted lovers, myself included, sat around in someone's unfinished basement (John Sabol's maybe? Cannot remember) and drank a lot and acted all unlovable and probably listened to The Smiths.
Again, not really an offensive dress. I cannot complain. Gotta love that tissue paper background. Scott looks nice, hair kinda big like i remembered.

This is the piece de resistance, though - Group photo, capturing all of us in our gangliness, all fresh-faced with the world in our hands. Or at least the Atlanta skyline. Obviously need to start with Natalie - She kept AquaNet in business. That is some big hair. John behind her. Me and Scott next to John. Next up, to Scott's right, are Brant and his date, who was a year younger than us, and for the life of me, i cannot remember her name. Leigh and Mike to their right. Then Matt and Stacy. Front row from left is John B. and I can't remember that girl's name either. Also a year younger than us. I remember her being nice. Camille and Duck. What the HELL is in Camille's hair? Is that a purple bow? Last, but not least, Doug and . . . Carla, maybe? Something that started with a C.

Now, this is a mess of crossed lovers right here. I totally had an ongoing crush on John ever since he moved from Oregon in 7th grade. I used to stare at him in Ms. Stone's class instead of paying attention to the Wrinkle In Time discussions, which is the only other memorable thing about 7th grade. Now, John and Natalie dated. I think at some point Nat fooled around with Brant, though. Brant and i had just had a recent fling, but then he met Leigh (Mike's date) and they were all about the young love. I think Mike liked Leigh, too, but really he was in love with Virginia. Not sure why they weren't together here. Now, I also had dated Matt the past spring, when we were Juniors, but we were still friends. I remember being at a party that fall and we were talking, i think in Mike's basement (this may have been the fabled "Decant" night, with the fish bottle) and evidently, Stacy's friends wanted him to ask Stacy out and they finally had to tell me to get lost, which is funny, so that Matt and S. could be alone. If I remember correctly, about this time, John B. also had a crush on me, but it was at the same time that I liked Brant. Well, Brant liked Leigh, but he and I were supposed to go see Hoodoo Gurus together, but then he finagled it so that I ended up going with John B., which was actually kinda fun, but i didn't like him that way. We had Waffle House on Holcomb Bridge after the show. He later wrote a story and dedicated it to me, and yes, I still have it, because, let's be honest, how often do you have a boy write you a story, especially one that is actually good? No idea what happened to him, but he was so nice. I guess Camille and Duck were dating? Camille, refresh my memory here. But maybe she had a crush on Mike? Doug and Carla were a "real couple" like John and Nat. No drama there, which is good, because now my brain is hurting.
I really want Nat, Scott, Mike, Matt, and Camille to pipe in with their memories of this night, because I am sure that there is some funny stuff I am forgetting. Pretty hysterical how much this picture jogged my memory of a lot of stuff I had forgotten.
And this is my senior Prom photo: I went with Jason. Jason, what was the theme? How did it feel to go to prom with Cruella DeVille? I don't know WHAT i was thinking. Am i wearing tan panty hose? That is one hideous dress. Jason, did you get a haircut before this? I think they forgot to cut the back.
Again, drama with the prom here. Jason and i were going as friends, but by this point, I was completely in luuuuuvvvv with Charlie. Charlie was going to prom with his ex, Kristi. Again, I really don't remember much about the dance (where was it? Downtown somewhere?) other than the fact that I just wanted to be with Charlie. Jason? I KNOW you will remember tons of other stuff.

Okay, enough for today. Matt, I spared you (and myself) the pain of seeing us in the bigass white prom dress Junior year. You owe me.
Labels: Brant, Camille, Dances, DougB, High School, Jason, John S, LeighH, MattL, MikeM, Natalie, Personal Humiliation, Scott P
Okay, jason P. went to college with me, and saw my post and shared his sr. prom pic, which is pretty awesome:
wow...what a post.
Hey, do you have that hair thingy (Barrett..(sp) ) I gave you when you BROKE UP WITH ME?
I think it was sterling silver. I roll like that.
You need to post the white hot mess of a dress you mentioned at the bottom. It had more layers than an onion.
Will you ever, ever forgive me? You have probably heard this before, but you were better off without me. You were way too NICE to go out with me.
Actually, i only very vaguely remember something about a barette - what was the deal with the barette? Was it a gift? Did I break up with you after you gave me a gift (pretty smart if I do say so myself. . . )
Seriously, I can't remember, but i wouldn't be surprised if i still have it. We'll see about the dress. I have to get up the nerve. It is just too humiliating for me.
Just so you know I never used Aquanet. I was all about the clariol mist. I still have that dress. Horrible but the gloves are such a nice touch. WTF?
I remember nothing about that dance except that dress and that is only because I still have it and I am totally puzzled it by it. The fabric is taffeta with a velvet brocade. WTF?
I don't even remember this picture being taken.
I do think I remember that we went to John's after hung out in his basement after. It was unfinished but they had furniture down there. They also had a hot tub. Maybe we went in that too?
Really I don't remember. I am so amazed that not only do you have all this stuff but remember it.
Clearly, I don't save much stuff.
I might have a picture of my freshman year homecoming. I'll have to go dig around and see if I can find it.
For the record MAtt and I both had a crush on Leigh- though it was more of a commiseration between us about how lame we were with girls in general really. Virginia went with Michael Pinkerton I am pretty sure. John B was and probably still is I hope a really good writer- I think I might have some of his stuff from that time buried somewhere. All those nights in all those basements blur together but I definitely remember Matt losing my date to that upstart youngster that evening.
I think that's the hardest I've ever laughed reading your blog. That is a clusterfuck of a love triangle! Camille's hair and Natalie's dress are priceless. Oh my goodness.
By the way, John B. came over with Eric W. after school when Eric broke up with me. Gotta bring a friend with you to dump someone!
None of this has anything to do with me, and I was probably at home studying on every one of those nights, but I really enjoyed reading this one.
Matt! Lie of omission by not owning up to your likey-like for Leigh in the comments. Bad, matt!
Mike, thanks for keepin' him real. Good stuff. And you guys might have thought you were lame, but you have to realize that all the girls thought we were lame too. So, did Matt really lose your date? That sounds like a good story.
John B was a good writer. I think we need to hunt him down and get his take on all this.
Lisa, for the record, folks, has a newborn, so her laughter scale is seriously skewed. To be honest, though, I had to stop writing part of it because i was laughing to hard to think. Lisa, I always loved Eric, but he brought a friend to a breakup? WTF??? That is seriously funny. Although John B. would be a good wing-man for a breakup, i guess.
Reese, glad you liked it, and also glad that you were at home studying. A)I like being able to say that one of my friends was a Valedictorian, and b)All that studying has made you one of my favorite people in the world to sit around and have a beer with. Move back to the ATL!
i think i borrowed a car from Brant's parents that night, might have been another. I still had that suit for many years and I wore the jacket to my brother's wedding. As far as that night or for much of high school, I can't remember much. Duckwall is someone I haven't seen or spoken to in almost 20 years, but was sure to have told some dirty jokes that night. I remember Todd Gallardo following me around Ducks house with an unloaded shotgun once at a party. Its too bad we were not involved in the instant media generation, where there would be lots of photos and videos from such a night. In that day it would have been a Kodak disc camera and a VHS tape recording camera the size of a mailbox.
But from the looks on our faces, it must have been one hell of a night! Good times.
Commenting for Doug. Yes, that was Carla. She went to Tulane and that's all I know.
Love the polka-dot dress.
The borrowing of the car sounds familiar. Also, i think you and me and Brant all went together to get your suit. Men's Warehouse, Holcomb Br. Rd, if I recall.
Concerning the new media generation, i, for one, am really mostly happy that all of my exploits have not been captured on film. This is for the best, as I have been able to carry on with a seemingly normal life, have a husband and children, etc.
Steph, if I still had polka dot dress, I would give it to you.
Dear lord. I think I peed a little bit when I read that Todd Gallardo followed Scott around with a shotgun! What the hell?!
Anne you need to get over it and post the hoop dee doo dress. How did you get in and out of the car? How did you go to the bathroom? Didn't you and Matt and Jenni H and I end up in my parents basement?
I forgot. The answer to your trivia question.- Junior Prom "Never Tear Us Apart".
Is that right?
You're making me want to break into the attic. I just found 3 dance pictures to share if I ever get my scanner to work. Reece I believe I have pictures of you at some dance shindig.
Scott - WHY did Gallardo follow you around with a shotgun?
Jason - Re: dress. Bite me. And yes, we all went back to your parents that night. Did we spend the night? I can't imagine my parents letting me spend the night out with Matt. (With any boy i was dating, not matt in particular - matt they loved you!)
Also, you are correct - Never Tear Us Apart. It says it, along with the date, and two people dancing, on the prom glass sitting in my window right now. Your memory is freakish.
Tara! Bust that shit out! I wanna see Reese all dolled up for the dance. Also, let's be honest - you are photogenic, so pics of you will be much more enjoyable to look at overall. :-)
Don't think everyone spent the night. Keep in mind Jenni was Mormon.
That sounds more like my parents' speed. I could see them letting me stay out later than normal, but not all night.
And who takes a mormon girl to a dance? Bad odds. (JK - Jenni is the coolest - need to post pics of her on the moped at 2am, wearing a flashdance headband. Good stuff.)
I remember writing " I 8> Lee " on one of my TrapperKeepers.
Lee..not Leigh...Lee. Like Lee Majors.
Yes, I had a TrapperKeeper. I had things to trap and keep. Back off, bitches.
Someone slap me.
LOL about misspelling her name - You never had great spelling. You also wore out De La Soul for a while there when we were dating, so that I couldn't listen to it for a few years.
Trapper Keeper. Do they still make those? If so, Rollie is getting a Trapper Keeper, dammit!
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