Monday, March 06, 2006

Dispatches from Destin, or GERD Gone Wild!

Signs we're not as young as we used to be: Each of the four of us has a "Golden Girls" familiar - I'm obviously Dorothy, Lisa is Blanche, Robin is Rose, and Vanessa is a cross between Rose and Blanche. It is kind of frightening. Okay, to be honest, I probably have a little Sophia in me, too. A Bluehair told me I was being "a good Mom" to Lisa. Two different college students called us, "m'am." (Those little pricks.) Our dinner table conversations are monopolized by discussions of lactation, menstruation, hemmorhoids, and gastroesophageal relux disease (known to common sufferers as GERD, as in "this fried shit is going to make my GERD go wild.")

Zen moments of the day: Robin and I jumping fearlessly in the freezing water to the amazement of hundreds of people on the beach, from five to eighty-five. Watching the really old guy in his flippers and bitchin' cap swim farther out in the ocean than anyone I had ever seen. You go, grandpa! Sitting on the beach, warm sun on the skin, breeze blowing gently, watching the waves and the gulls while listening to "New Slang" and "Plainsong."

p.s. Yes, Robin and Vanessa and Lisa, I love you very, very , very, very, very . . . much.


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Golden Girls comparison! LOL!

At 4:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In our defense, we're still hot even if we GERD it!

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness, how cute are we? We still got it! Even if our esophaguseseses are burning...we still got it. In between swigs of Pepto, we still got it.

You go, girls.


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