Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Um, Yum?

Night before last, i was putting Rollie down for the night. We were going through our ritual of saying "Goodnight" to everything in God's name ("Goodnight, Dora. Goodnight cowboy pictures, Goodnight Chicken Blues, Goodnight light." And so on, ad nauseum.) I kissed him on the forehead and realized he was chewing on something. He had a board book in his hand, so i thought maybe he had peeled off some of the paper and was eating it.

Me: "Rollie, what are you eating?"
[Rollie looks at me with big, innocent brown eyes. He smiles a sweet, proud smile.]
Rollie: "Toenail," he says, nodding as if to say, "Toenails are pretty good!"

Sometimes you just have to let them figure out for themselves what tastes good and what doesn't.


At 4:37 PM, Blogger StephB said...

So, when is the "get your own domain" tutorial? I can't even figure out how to do a running tally of something (books, music, miles, etc) in the margin.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

any time u want. or next time i am up @ ur house? Much easier in person.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear lord. Elle is a toenail eater, too.


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