Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Rollie has been saying some really funny stuff lately. A few gems:
Me: "Rollie, do you want to go swimming at Aunt Lisa's today?"
Rollie: "No."
Me: "Why not?"
Rollie: "Lisa drinks.*"

*Rollie is not very observant of his surroundings, or he would realize that Mama and Dada drink way more than Aunt Lisa does.
Me: "Rollie, what is your sister's name?"
Rollie: "Tilda."
Me: "What is Papaw's name?"
Rollie: "Cecil."
Me: "What is Grandma's name?"
Rollie: "Beginia." [Virginia]
Me: "What is Mama's name?"
Rollie: "Unnie, or And."
Me: "What is Dada's name?"
Rollie: "Paul.*"

*This should come as quite a surprise to both Rollie's father, whose name is Todd, and to our friends Paul and Harmony, or "Hummery," as Rollie refers to her.
Finally, here is our family favorite Rollieism:
Me: "Rollie do you want to go see Grandma and Papaw?"
Rollie: "Yes."
Me: "What about Meemaw?"
Rollie: "No."
Me: "Why not?"
Rollie: "She sleeps around.*"
*Admittedly, Rollie is correct on this one. Meemaw is in her 80's, and does indeed fall asleep at the drop of a hat, all around the house.


At 7:15 AM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

these have really cracked us up!


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