Field Day
Yep. You heard me.
"Field Day."
Conjures up some memories, doesn't it? Hot May days, red clay on your tube socks, popsicles, tug-of-war, relays, and ice cream. My friend Vanessa, a schoolteacher, gleefully tells me come every May about what they call Field Day at her school. I think she enjoys watching me roll my eyes. I kid you not, they call it "Personal Record Day." Because God forbid that we might have kids who are actually winners over other kids, because . . . well, then there would be losers. We wouldn't want to teach our little ones that sometimes people win, sometimes they lose. Even worse, what if they were to learn that classic lesson about being a gracious loser? Nope, much better to let them run around a field like chickens with their heads cut off, achieving nothing, learning nothing, but with their precious self-esteem intact.
Oops. Totally got off the subject. This was about Rollie, and about his first field day. In his own words.
Labels: Field Day, Parents These Days, Rollie
5 Comments: what did they do with the spoon? I know whatever it was they did it VERY carefully. It sounded like they threw spoons at the other team.
Don't get me started on personal record day. God Forbid, precious DAKOTA learns that someone might beat him out of a job one day, or his friend gets the date with the hot chick, or that the world doesn't revolve around him and his FEELINGS.
Plus, winning feels good. I've won and I've lost but when I used to kick some ass and get 1st place in the 25 m breast stroke...that just felt good!
Um, i think they did a spoon and egg race, but with a pingpong or golf ball, from what i could gather, which wasn't much.
I totally forgot that you were also really good at breast stroke. You were not that bad at tennis either. Soccer? Horrendous.
Agreed on kicking ass = feels good.
I was pretty good at tennis and I look good in a tennis skirt, too. I was really not very good at soccer. But the cleats were cute.
Man- someone has been teaching him to enunciate 'yes'! very impressive descriptions, and I am glad he was 'very carefully'...
Lee, you would still look good in a tennis skirt - we need to play soon. it is fun in the hood - while playing , you try to avoid the gunfire. :-)
Mike - Rollie also says "probably" a lot, but he doesn't know the meaning of it, so he uses it willy-nilly and out of context and it results in some really funny stuff. There are other words he uses that make no sense to him: Maybe, Really, sometimes, etc.
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