Wednesday, May 16, 2007

On the Cusp of A New World

More often than not, Todd will read to Rollie before bedtime, and I will read and put Tiller down. When I do get the opportunity to put both kids down for the evening, like last night when Todd went out with friends, I am always amazed at how far Rollie has come in his reading.

Okay, he can't really read, but he already knows his ABCs (big whoop, right?) and he knows all of the sounds that the letters make which is a little more impressive. He is driving me crazy asking what letter words start with, and in addition to being able to spell his own name, he can also spell mine. (He doesn't forget the E, either.) Last night he wowed me, though.

Damn can that boy memorize. I mean, when I think about the fact that I know every word to "Licensed to Ill" and "Paul's Boutique" and will probably be on my deathbed and still remember them, well, that kind of amazes me, because I was one class away from a minor in French, and the only thing I remember from that is how to say cheese. ("Fromage." Impressive, no?) I think I thought that repeated listenings while smoking cigarettes and drinking heavily were responsible for my remarkable memorization skills, but maybe it was just my inner child that accomplished the searing of whole albums' lyrics across my brain.

Because my little man can recite Where the Wild Things Are from beginning to end, with little to no prompting. He is a wonder. And there is nothing sweeter or cuter than a three-year-old reciting Where the Wild Things Are from memory. Must get on video. Must show the world my child genius.

In all seriousness, I am so proud of the boy. He is sweet and smart and funny and compassionate. And the three things that I want most for my children is to be happy, healthy, and lovers of the written word. I can feel that he is just on the cusp of making the leap from memorization to reading, and I am so excited for him that this whole world is about to open up for him when he cracks a book.

I think we are doing pretty good so far. Yay us. Yay Rollie.

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At 1:31 PM, Blogger jasonaut said...

Considering that I can barely remember yesterday, much less what happened last week on "Lost," your boy is totally kicking ass. I am jealous of the three-year-old's memorization skillz and want to see the video.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Okay, it is totally sad that you can't remember yesterday, but Lost? Fucking IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with.

Video - Might have to pull out the camera at bedtime tonight. Course, kids like to make a fucking liar out of you. "Look what my kid can do!" Then you pull out a camera and they look at you like you fucking made the whole thing up.

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's my genius. Love him.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think teaching him "License to Ill" would be completely kick ass.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, Rollie is about the most charming conversationalist I know. He kicks ass. He's going to be that kid (hmmm, like us?) reading his novel under the desk while the teacher is trying to teach boring shit he will never use.

I see it now..."Rollie, what are you doing?"

"Um, reading Animal Farm, Ms. Jones."

"Well put that away! We have to learn blue and green today."



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