Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Kinda Sad Road Trip

Off to Louisville for T's grandma's funeral. Meemaw is gone. I have a lot of thoughts about her, and about how lucky I feel to have known her, but I need to digest the whole thing and will write when I get back. I figure going to ky will give me a little more perspective anyway.

If you pray, or just think good thoughts, make sure they go out to the Toddler family tonight. I love'em all. Even if they are all way too quiet and reserved and in comparison, I look like a loud-mouthed annoying daughter/sister in-law, who probably drinks a little too much and doesn't know when to bite her tongue.

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At 9:03 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Your heart is in the right place, and that's all that matters. Will say some prayers for the family, safe travels.

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Thanks, Dorothy. You've obviously never been around me when I am chatty and having a few drinks. :-)

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said... college friends used to call me "Mrs. Blunt", so I kinda get the idea, guess they just weren't used to a Yankee telling it like it is.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Camille said...

give todd a hug for me, anne. have a safe trip...sorry for the loss of meemaw.


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