Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Like Sand Through the Hourglass

Uh, yeah. He was pretty excited. He picked his spidey tee out himself the night before (we were very proud and i had inner smug thoughts when hipster dad commented on his shirt). Everything went really well. He was totally excited, got himself up and dressed and even his shoes on without any dramatics, backtalk, or parental command repetition. We gave him a banana, but now he EATS BREAKFAST AND LUNCH AT SCHOOL. That's right - one less piece of wheat bread i have to smear with peanut butter each day. That might not seem like much to you, but i have smeared peanut butter on two pieces of wheat bread for the LAST TWO YEARS, ALMOST EVERY DAY. Cutting the workload in half is exhilarating.

We all four got in the car to go drop him off. The streets were packed with parents walking their kids to school (I love that we have sidewalks!), and cars backed up. I was nervous and he was just so damn excited. Todd and Tiller dropped us off and we walked up past all the patrols (so cute! 5th graders who were taught to say "Good morning!" when you walked in, and "Walk to the right!" when you were in the halls, and "Have a nice day!" when I was leaving. I was very impressed.) Also was impressed with the massive coffee table set up out front of the school. Nice touch, and a quick way to steal my heart.

As we went past the school sign, I asked if i could take his picture, and he said, "not now, mama!" and I agreed, because who am i to ruin his image the first day of school? We went on in and found his class. It was mayhem.

Kids running everywhere, one harried teacher and her harried teacher's aide, and a bunch of bewildered parents. (I guess I am not the only one with a first child in elementary school.) We hung Rollie's backpack in his cubby, which of course had his first name (Charles) instead of the nickname. He dealt, which i was very proud of, because he very well could have lost it. I talked to the teacher and she said she was "sending some typing home with him for me in his backpack." (Remember, I am the unfortunate new mom who got suckered into the Room Mother position. Go ahead and laugh, but I'm helping educate kids, people! Or at least making sure they get enough sugar on holidays.)

There were so many parents hanging around that I had time to shoot a few pictures and I even got a shot of Rollie with a big smile. I introduced him to another little boy, met the boy's dad, then said:

"Okay, Buddy. I'm gonna head out. You have fun, and listen to your teacher, okay? And I'll be here to pick you up this afternoon." I admit, i had a bit of a lump in my throat as I turned away.

"Mama?" he said in a small voice.

"Yeah, baby?" I said turning around. He was holding an hourglass in each hand, the sand just beginning to run through each.

"I need a hug and a kiss first!"

I smiled and said, "You bet," as I crouched down to his level and opened my arms.

He set the hourglasses down and ran into my arms, hugging me tightly and kissing me loudly on the cheek. "Mama? I love you, Mama," he whispered in my ear.
I love you, too, Buddy. I love you, too.

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At 9:17 PM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Thanks, now I'm crying. Very, very sweet. I am so glad he was excited about his first day.

And I totally get the 2 less pieces of bread smeared with peanut butter. Sophie rarely ever takes her lunch, and it is a beautiful thing.

PS. So far I am room mom for my little ones, their teacher pegged me at the end of preschool last year, b/c she had Sophie 4 yrs ago. Am waiting to see if Sophie's teacher asks me as well. The best trick: delegate, delegate, delegate!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Sorry to make you cry, but misery loves company. Glad you understood the bread. Lunch is mind-numbing.

Room mom - Do many of the moms in your school work? I think a LOT do in ours, and I wonder how much opportunity there will be to delegate. Luckily, there are two room moms.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Lyle said...

Well, good grief, now I am all verklempt at work. If I was there right now I'd give Rollie a gigantic bowl of ice cream and cookies and maybe buy him a pony or something.

Glad the first day went so well and I hope he has a great school year.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Lauren Shankman said...

FYI I recognized a mom in the pic-- she's cool. keep us posted on the first week review!

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Lyle, you J men keep surprising me with your sensitivity. . . . That being said, ice cream and cookies okay, but i will kick your ass at pony.

Lauren - Mom in yellow? I didn't get a chance to talk to her. Will keep you posted. So far i am typing my brains out as room mom. Wish the girls were there.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Mike Maier said...

That one will go far- knows just what to say at the right time!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Camille said...

love the hourglasses- a perfect image! a movie director couldn't have done it better. beautiful post. i'm so proud of the rolls.

At 1:08 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

e is all about the hourglasses. . . it is strange.


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