Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Disaster Confirmed

Okay, not complete disaster. I can do a data transfer from my hard drive to save all my stuff, like the family videos and my writing and stuff like that. Yes, I know I should have backed it up more often. But it is safe. Unfortunately, it's a "bad logic board." Would be almost $300 bucks to fix it, and I doubt the mac is worth that altogether. Ugh.

Bad, logic board, bad! Very bad logic board! [rubbing logic board's muzzle in a pile of it's own shitty logic.]

So, i will be immersed in the vampire book, taking the kiddo to open house (starts school monday!) and . . .what else did i do before internet??

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At 3:29 PM, Blogger Lyle said...

I see that I'm going to have to rehearse my "Why We Make Backups" lecture for the next time I see you. ;)

I think you have one of those first-generation iBooks, and yes, Apple had a lot of quality control problems with the logic boards on those models. Hope that you can get it repaired or find a suitable replacement soon!

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Yeah, I do backup my stuff, just not regularly, and I am a pretty frequent user, so I have a lot that didn't get backed up. Ugh.

It didn't take us long to figure out that it was prob. that damn logic board thing.

I hope i get it repaired soon, too. I just had to come down and kick todd off of his computer because I was having withdrawal. :-)


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