Saturday, August 02, 2008

Because Steph Brought Up Potty Training And We Won't Be Outdone!

Concerning Dagny, Steph and Doug's little girl, and her fellow October birthday girl, Tiller, we are also on the Potty Train. I just got completely fed up with all things diaper - Changing them, smelling them, buying them. We bought a buttload of undies (pun intended) - Hello Kitty, Dora, etc. At first she was resistant, and at this point, she is peeing on the potty regularly, but we are having poop problems. She comes to us and says "I want to poop on the potty." We check her and she has already pooped in her undies. We tell her poop goes in the potty. She cries and says, "But i want to poop on the potty." We say, "You already pooped in your pants!" She falls on the ground and kicks her legs and flails around on the ground like a fish out of water. Repeat at least once a day, sometimes twice.

I know that sooner or later she will get it, but so far, we got nothin.' We're sticking with it, though, because as soon as we are off diapers, we are also going to stop getting the stupid plastic Kroger bags that we currently use to dispose of dirty diapers, and instead, we're gonna be all green, with cute totes to take to the grocery store.

That's what I call parental incentive to stick with potty training. It's all about the cute bag. Like this bitchin' number made by our friend Nikki in Seattle. She is very crafty, that Nikki. . . .

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At 10:46 AM, Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Between you and Steph, I am motivated to start trying once again. Emily was doing well for awhile, but took a slide last week, and I grew tired and gave up on her. She routinely tells me when she needs to poop, but unless she has nothing on her bottom, she will not put the tinkle in the toilet. I found that if I leave her bare, and set two potties out downstairs, she will run to them when she needs to go. Any other type of covering, pull up, padded panties, regular cute undies, she will go in then declare"No, I not wet, I dry!" I have to say, Sophie was totally trained by 2 1/2, both for day and night, so this is frustrating for me. Michael will go sitting backwards on the potty, but it is very hit or miss. He is still confused about what is poop and what is tinkle, so his diaper days are ongoing. But good for you and Tiller, please keep me updated. I know both mine will be thru this in a few months, but right now it just seems to be taking FOREVER!!

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Ugh, i feel ya, sister! We definitely have the pee down, but she will just poop right in her undies and then deny she did it.

Anyone reading this got ideas? I am at a loss.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger StephB said...

I'll post about this issue again during the nap. It's hard but not at all for the reasons we thought it would be.

And Annika - is still in a pull-up at night. She just sleeps too soundly. I go in to help her pee when I get up and she is dry only about 50% of the time. We tried to go off of the pullups cold turkey, but then I'd find her fast asleep in a lake. No fun.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I'm curious. Must go check out reason you find it hard. Sounds mysterious!

Rollie is also still in pullups at night. Like Annika, deep sleeper. Also, I was the same way as a kid and wet the bed until 4th grade, and my ped told me it was pretty much hereditary. sigh.

At 12:16 AM, Blogger VH Reid said...

I don't get it either. They do it when they do it. I tried to force Scarlett and she was all, "whatever, Mama!" Why do I think I'll hear that same phrase repeated over and over in about ten years? I'm scared. Terrified, actually.

P.S. Do you want the cloth nighttime pull-ups for Tiller that we got from One-Step-Ahead? They seemed to help Scarlett. She hated being yucky at night. Let me know and they are yours. I think I have four pairs of pink ones. Pink helps, right?

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I guess we could try them, but Tiller often wakes up dry. It is more the pooping in the daytime that is problematic.

Rollie, on the other hand, is still wetting the bed at night no matter what we do.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Nikki said...

Wow! I'm so honored to be classified as a crafty one. How 'bout I make you a bag?

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

I have been raving about your skirts and the bag to my friends. That japanese-styled skirt kicks ass. I will take a bag, your design, but let me pay you for supplies, and you need to start making labels, so that I can tell other people where to get them. :-)

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Nikki said...

Deal! I can't take credit for the bag design though. Found that online.


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