Monday, August 18, 2008


So, in the wake of all these posts concerning real folks from my real past, a friend asked me yesterday if I didn't worry about who was reading Dogwood Girl. I had actually thought about this a little after my recent posts, because the most recent writings included some folks who do not read my blog (that i know of), but whom were integral to my remembrances. For example, I don't stay in touch with all of my former Homecoming dates, but dang it, they were in the pictures, so they are damn well getting mentioned.

So, here is my disclaimer: I apologize to anyone who might have been harmed by revelations about them or their activities here on Dogwood Girl. It was really all in good fun, though. Plus, i am pretty sure that most of my readers just think you are brave souls for taking me out or hanging out with me. I'm not the sweetest girl around by a long shot. I mean, yeah, i am pretty sure that guy in high school would be surprised to know that i stared at him in 7th grade or wanted to have sex with him on a homeroom table, but i know him well enough to know that he wouldn't care that i wrote it down. Nor would my friend and his girlfriend at the time care that I lusted after her BF. (Knowing her, she would get off on it.) Sure, I revealed some crushes, but so what? I am pretty sure we all knew who was into who, and god knows, we are over it.

Sure, my husband reads Dogwood Girl, but let's face it - He knew what he was marrying when he married it. He loves me despite my loud mouth and thoughtlessness. Sometimes he loves me for my big mouth. (This love usually rises in proportion to amount of alcohol he has had when loudmouth incident takes place.) Of all the people who might object to what I write here, he is the only one whose opinion actually holds a ton of weight. And he's Todd: One of the reasons that his opinion holds so much weight is that he doesn't care what i write and he never says a word other than to make fun of something I've written. (The exception to this being anytime that I put down the Auburn Tigers, but that's just healthy SEC family dynamics, right baby?)

The truth is, I enjoy getting stuff off my chest this way, I enjoy that writing about a random memory can bring so much more back to me so vividly. I can count on one hand the number of times that I regretted writing about something on here, and those times were not that i regretted a revelation of something embarrassing I've thought or done. It was always that i wrote honestly about things that pissed me off, and sometimes people had their feelings hurt if they read about it and thought it was about them. And IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU. THIS WEBSITE IS ABOUT ME, PEOPLE. That being said, I didn't like that feelings were hurt.

I can also honestly say that there are only about three times that i have ever really, really wanted to write about something on Dogwood Girl and then decided better of it in deference to someone else's feelings.

The real answer to the question of whether or not I worry about anyone from my past reading some of the far out stuff on Dogwood Girl?

Not really. Frankly, my dears, I don't give a good Goddamn.

Happy reading!



At 11:05 AM, Blogger Joe Reger said...

Great post. Most bloggers don't start to deal with this sort of issue until they have a *major* incidentt and have really hurt somebody they care about. You're operating ahead of the curve by dealing with this line of thought.

You don't want to hurt people, so you won't. Simple.

Now get to loudmouthin'! Which teachers did you have crushes on? (Kidding, of course.)

At 4:47 PM, Blogger SLP said...


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Nat said...

I wanna know who got their panties in wad.

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

Well, Joe, actually, a few people did have their feelings hurt, even though I didn't name names, I just called some people on something they had done that hurt my feelings (childish, I know, but i thought of it as writing about it to get it off my chest, and they took it personally when they realized it was about them.

Then there was another incident where someone saw something i wrote and THOUGHT/ASSUMED it was about them, when in reality it was not at all.

Yeah, i don't want to hurt people, but some times I do, inadvertently. Such is life.

Not teachers - a fellow classmate. Thinking back, i never found any of my teachers attractive.

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

God bless ya, scott. I love ya.

Nat, you are nosy. No one you know, and it was really some stupid stuff.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Are you sure you weren't in L7?

Rockstar angst!

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

whatever, nutjob! At least i don't use MY blog as a vehicle for airing my crazy strange neurotic idiosyncracies and stalkerishness. . .

jk. I love you.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Ummm, there has been no stalkerishness on my blog, thank you.

Actually had a few 'family' posts recently. I almost seemed non-nutjobberish.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Dogwood Girl said...

stalkerishness=your profile picture, Jason. :-)


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